查看全文    HTML 黄酒β-苯乙醇含量的近红外光谱快速检测
Rapid detection of β-phenylethanol content in Chinese rice wine by near-infrared spectroscopy
中文关键词: 黄酒  近红外光谱  β-苯乙醇  快速检测
英文关键词: Chinese rice wine  near-infrared spectroscopy  β-phenylethanol  rapid detection
沈飞,李博斌,应义斌 南京财经大学食品科学与工程学院国家黄酒产品质量监督检验中心 浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 1410
全文下载次数: 744
      利用近红外光谱技术对黄酒主要香气指标β-苯乙醇进行了快速检测,采集了不同品牌和酒龄的112份黄酒样品,以气相色谱所测β-苯乙醇含量为参考值,在800~2 500 nm 波段范围内建立了回归分析模型。结果显示,SNV 预处理结合偏最小二乘回归法在全波段范围内所建立的模型性能最优,校正模型的相关系数rc为0.949,RMSEC 为6.66 mg/L,RMSEP 为10.4 mg/L,相对标准偏差RPD 达到1.83、结果表明应用近红外光谱技术对黄酒β- 苯乙醇含量进行快速检测筛分是可行的。下一步研究拟加大样本量来提升模型的精度和稳健性。
      In this study, the feasible use of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for determination of β-phenylethanol content in Chinese rice wine was investigated. A total of 112 rice wine samples of various brands and wine ages were collected. Regression analysis model was developed in range of 800 -2 500 nm. The content of β-phenylethanol was determinated by gas chromatography (GC) as reference value. The result showed that the optimal model was obtained using partial least squares regression (PLSR) combined with full spectral wavelength range and standard normal variate (SNV) pretreatment. The calibration correlation coefficient (rc) was 0.949, RMSEC (value of the root -mean -square error of calibration) to 6.66 mg/L, RMSEP (value of the root-mean-square error of prediction) to 10.4 mg/L, RPD (valve of the residual predictive deviation) to 1.83. The result demonstrated that NIR might provide an alternative rapid technique for the screening and detection of β-phenylethanol content in Chinese rice wine. However, more samples should be incorporated in further in order to build a more accurate and robust model.
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