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Experimental study on sprayer boom tension measurement
中文关键词: 喷雾机  喷杆  拉力传感器  耿贝尔极值分布
英文关键词: sprayer  boom  force sensor  Gumbel extreme value distribution
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31271620);江苏省自然科学基金(BK2012285);国家博士点基金(20133227120002);中国博士后科学基金(2012M511218);东南大学MCCSE 教育部重点实验室开放基金(MCCSE2012A02)
管贤平,邱白晶,尹振华 江苏大学现代农业装备与技术教育部重点实验室东南大学复杂工程系统测量与控制教育部重点实验室 
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全文下载次数: 685
      针对某水旱两用喷杆喷雾机喷杆连接件断裂问题,开展喷雾机喷杆田间拉力测量试验。针对喷杆组件结构和受力特点,开发设计了喷杆拉力测量系统并进行静态标定。在田间设置喷雾机试验跑道,分别进行1.93、1.42、0.90 m/s 3 种速度的喷杆拉力数据采集。结果表明,最大拉力随喷雾机速度的增大而增大。基于耿贝尔极值理论,对3 种速度下的最大静态拉力进行推理,3 种速度条件下最大拉力分别为1 000、700、500 N。对采集数据进行频谱分析,发现喷杆拉力信号主要是0~13 Hz 以内的低频信号。
      Field experimental study on sprayer boom tension measurement was carried out due to the boom connector fracture problem of the amphibious boom sprayer. The sprayer boom tension measurement system was developped according to the boom assembly structure and force characteristics, and the static calibration of tension sensors was carried out. The sprayer runway was set in the field, then boom tension data acquisitions were obtained with three sprayer speed 1.93, 1.42,0.90 m/s. The acquisition results showed that, the maximum tension increased as the sprayer speed increased. The maximum static tensions of the boom with three different machine speeds were reasoned according to the Gumbel extreme value theory, and the maximum tensions were 1 000, 700, 500 N, respectively for the three sprayer speeds. The data spectrum analysis was conducted based on the acquisited data and it was found the boom tension signal was mainly low frequency signal within 0~13 Hz.
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