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China's vegetable production technical efficiency analysis
中文关键词: 蔬菜生产  技术效率  DEA  超效率DEA
英文关键词: vegetable production. technical efficiency  DEA  super efficiency DEA
王亚坤,王慧军,徐俊杰 东北农业大学经济管理学院河北省农林科学院袁河北省农林科学院农业信息与经济研究所 
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      为判断、比较各省(自治区、直辖市)蔬菜生产技术效率,采用DEA与超效率DEA方法,对30个省(自治区、直辖市)的14个蔬菜品种(或种植模式)超效率得分、规模效益、投入冗余等进行计算、分析。结果表明:各个省(自治区、直辖市)蔬菜生产技术效率存在很大差异;省(自治区、直辖市)内不同蔬菜品种(或种植模式)生产技术效率水平存在差异;各个省(自治区、直辖市)蔬菜生产超效率得分排名与蔬菜播种面积排名大相径庭;279个DMU 中,71.68%的DMU 呈规模报酬递增,13.26%的DMU 呈规模报酬递减,15.05%的DMU 规模报酬不变;目前我国蔬菜生产要素投入及配置不合理,并提出相应的对策和建议。
      In order to made reasonable judgment, comparison of the vegetable production technical efficiency of 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government),used DEA and super efficiency DEA method, calculated and analysed 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), 14 varieties of vegetables (or planting patterns) ‘s super efficiency score, scale efficiency, input redundancy,The results showed that: There were considerable differences in the local vegetable production technical efficiency of the provinces (autonomous regions and Direct-controlled municipality); Different varieties of vegetables (or planting patterns)production technical efficiency level of the provinces (autonomous regions and Direct-controlled municipality) in were differences; The provinces (autonomous regions and Direct-controlled municipality) 耶s vegetable production super efficiency score ranking and vegetable planting area rankings were very different; In the aggregate of 279 DMU, 71.68% of the scale of DMU were increasing, return 13.26% of the scale of DMU were diminishing returns, 15.05% of the DMU scale for the same; At present, China's vegetable production inputs and configuration was not reasonable, and put forward the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion in the final.
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