查看全文    HTML 基因型对小麦花药培养的影响研究
Effects of genotypes on wheat anther culture
中文关键词: 小麦  花药培养  基因型  愈伤诱导.
英文关键词: wheat  anther culture  genotypes  callus induction rate
蔡正云1,吕学莲2,白海波2,董建力2,段敦亮1,李树华2,魏亦勤3 1.宁夏大学农学院宁夏银川750021 2.宁夏农林科学院农业生物技术研究中心宁夏银川750002 3.宁夏农林科学院农作物研究所宁夏永宁750105 
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      为研究基因型如何影响小麦花药培养力.对几组单一亲本相同的组合F1基因型花药培养力进行了比 较,结果表明院各组单一亲本相同的组合中,,另一亲本的不同对愈伤诱导率、绿苗产率、绿苗分化率及白苗分化率均 有很大影响,有的组配愈伤诱导率较低甚至为0.但相同亲本的其他组配却具有较高的愈伤诱导率,绿苗产率与愈伤 诱导率基本具有相同的趋势,但有的组配愈伤诱导率较高,绿苗产率则相对较低,说明愈伤诱导率与绿苗产率之间 没有显著的规律性,各组组合中,多数组合绿苗分化率高于白苗分化率,也有的组合具有较高的白苗分化率而绿苗 分化能力很弱,说明不同组合分化绿苗和白苗的能力有所不同.因此,在花药培养时,应尽量选择绿苗分化率较高、 白苗分化率较低的组配.
      In this study, the anther culture ability of F1 genotypes with the same single parent wsa compared among several groups of combination for detecting the influence of genotypes on wheat anther culture ability. The results showed that among groups of combination with the same single parent, the rate of callus induction, production of green plantlets, rate of differentiated plantlets and differentiated albinos would be affected greatly when the other parent was different. The rate of callus induction of some combinations were low and even to 0, but other combinations with the same single parent had higher callus induction rate. The production of green plantlets had the same trend with the rate of callus induction. However, for some combinations, the rates of callus induction were higher along with the lower green plantlets. In brief, there was no obvious regularity between the rates of callus induction and production of green plantlets. On the other hand, the most combinations had higher rate of differentiated plantlets than the rate of differentiated albinos, but some combinations had high rate of differentiated albinos with low rate of differentiated plantlets. It indicated that different combinations had different ability to differentiate plantlets and albinos. Thus, the combinations with high rate of differentiated plantlets and low rate of differentiated albinos should be applied in wheat anther culture.
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