查看全文    HTML 广西姑辽野生茶树叶片解剖结构及特性分析
Study on anatomy structures and characteristics of leavesof wild tea Camellia sinensis from Guangxi
中文关键词: 野生茶树 叶片 解剖结构
英文关键词: Camellia sinensis leaves anatomy structure
李凤英1邱勇娟2邓慧群2韦慧娜1赖兆荣2罗小梅2 1、广西师范大学生命科学学院/珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护省部共建教育部重点实验室 广西桂林541004 2、广西壮族自治区桂林茶叶科学研究所广西桂林541004 
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      采用改良石蜡切片方法制片、光学显微镜观察,对广西姑辽“生茶树资源13 个株系叶片进行解剖学研 究,通过叶片解剖结构特征鉴定和分析它们的潜在生产力、适制性和抗逆性。结果表明。姑辽“生茶树资源的生产力 指数为2 471.31~4 295.05,潜在生产力普遍较高,达到或超过广西茶树新品种品系的水平;茶多酚含量特别高,主要 适制红茶;叶片均具有明显的抗旱、抗寒和抗病虫结构特征,表现出较强的抗逆力;生产性状在株系间存在着一定的 差异。其中,生产力指数高、抗逆性强、红茶品质兼优等综合性状较好的株系是姑辽41、姑辽37 和姑辽39。
      The anatomy structures of leaves of 13 strains of wild tea Camellia sinensis from Guangxi were studied via paraffin-sectioning and optical microtechnique to explore the potential productivity, tea-making suitability, and anti - adversity. The results showed that the potential productivity index of wild tea ranged from 2 471.31 to 4 295.05, revealing a higher value than that of other new wild tea strains of Guangxi. These strains were suit for making black tea, which were in accordance with the highly contents of tea polyphenols. Moreover, the leaves indicated strong resistance, including abilities in anti-drought, anti-cold, and anti-pest. Further, productivity variations among various strains were detected. The strain of Guliao #41, #37, #39 had high productivity index, strong resistance ability and black tea-making suitability.
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