乔小燕1,黄国资1,王秋霜1,饶幸霞2,黄秀新3,饶国周2,黄海英3,陈栋1.连续化生产线加工过程中客家炒青绿茶 主要品质成分的变化[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(24):91-94
查看全文    HTML 连续化生产线加工过程中客家炒青绿茶 主要品质成分的变化
Quality change of Hakka roasted green teain continuous production process
中文关键词: 客家炒青绿茶  连续化生产线  品质成分
英文关键词: Hakka roasted green tea  continuous production line  quality components
基金项目:国家农业(茶叶)产业技术体系建设专项(CARS- 23)
乔小燕1,黄国资1,王秋霜1,饶幸霞2,黄秀新3,饶国周2,黄海英3,陈栋1 1.广东省农科院饮用植物研究所/广东省茶树资源创新利用重点实验室广东广州510640 2.梅州市农业科学院研究所广东梅州5140003.广东龙岗马山茶业股份有限公司广东梅州514000 
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      为研究连续化生产线加工过程中客家炒青绿茶品质成分的变化,以金萱茶树品种为原料,通过实时3 次重复取样的方法,对连续化生产线加工过程中7 个工序客家炒青绿茶主要品质成分的变化进行测定和比较分析。 结果表明,在连续化生产线加工过程中,从鲜叶、萎凋、杀青、揉捻、动态失水、一炒到二炒,客家炒青绿茶的主要品质 成分发生了显著变化,表现为茶多酚、游离氨基酸、可溶性糖、咖啡碱和非酯型儿茶素含量总体呈下降趋势曰儿茶素 总量和酯型儿茶素含量呈增加趋势。利用该生产线生产的清香型客家炒青绿茶具有与手工制作产品同样的品质特 征。萎凋、杀青和一炒是连续化加工7 个工序中茶叶主要品质成分发生最显著变化的工序,科学控制好萎凋、杀青和 一炒工序,对于提高连续化生产线加工清香型客家炒青绿茶品质具有重要意义。
      To analyze the change of quality of roasted green tea in continuous production line, provide the theoretical basement for continuous and standardized mode of Hakka roasted green, the change of main quality ingredients was analyzed on real-time in the whole process, taking Jinxuan as the material. The main quality biochemical components changed significantly in the seven procedures in the process. The ingredients contents including tea polyphenols, free amino acid, soluble sugar, caffeine and non-ester catechins, had a downward trend generally, while total catechins and ester-catechins increased. The Hakka roasted green tea by the production line had the same quality with that by hand. Withering, fixation and the first roasting were the key processes in the production for Hakka roasted green. For modern Hakka roasted green tea, the three procedures including withering, fixation and the first roasting were needed to control and focus on.
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