查看全文    HTML 一株苦荞种子内生真菌红色素稳定性初报
Study on the stability of red pigments produced by a seedborneendnophytic fungus from Tartary Buckwheat
中文关键词: 苦荞  色素  稳定性  种子内生真菌;发酵
英文关键词: Tartary Buckwheat  pigment  stability  seed-born endophytic fungus  ferment
基金项目:国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(01303069);国 家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-08-B-3);“十二五” 农村领域国家科技计划项目(012BAD34B05-13);四川省科技 支撑计划项目(012NZ0031)
郭晓恒,陈雪莲,刘冰花,邹亮,彭镰心,赵钢 成都大学国家杂粮加工技术研发分中心四川成都610106 
摘要点击次数: 1751
全文下载次数: 532
      研究苦荞种子内生真菌TBSBEF-9 的胞外红色素的生产特性及其色素的稳定性,结果表明,TBSBEF-9 红色素为胞外色素,在发酵的第3 d红色素开始产生,第6 d达到最高水平曰红色素最大吸收波长在510 nm曰易溶于 水、乙醇等极性溶剂,在酸性条件下呈现浅红色,碱性条件下为橘黄色曰色素较耐热(<100益)曰Ca2+、Ba2+、K+、A13+、Mg2+金 属离子对该色素无明显影响曰KMnO4、H2O2、FeCl3使色素色泽变化不明显,Vc 对色素有较强的褪色作用曰食盐、蔗糖对 色素无明显影响而柠檬酸对其有褪色作用。可见,该红色素的理化性质比较稳定,是较理想的天然色素添加剂。
      The ferment characterization and its red pigment stability of Tartary Buckwheat seed-borne endophytic fungi TBSBEF-9 were studied. The results showed that the pigment harbored in the extracellular of isolate TBSBEF-9 could be detected after 3 days ferment and reached its highest level at the sixth day. The whole wavelength scan showed that the maximal absorbtion was 510 nm. The pigment was soluble in water, ethanol and other polar solvents. And it showed pink under acidic conditions, orange under alkaline conditions. The pigment displayed a remarkable thermal (< 100益) stability. Metal ions such as Ca2+, Ba2+, K+, A13+, Mg2+ had no significant effect on the pigment colour, the oxidants such as KMnO4, H2O2, FeCl3 would hence the red colour, while the reducing agent Vc made the pigment color lighter. Salt, sugar had no obvious effect on the colour change and under the citric acid it would fade. Therefore, the physicochemical properties of the pigment of Tartary Buckwheat were stable. The result also implied that the pigment was an ideal and natural color additive.
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