郭瑞敏,千怀遂,李明霞,张海伟.基于。感数据的惠州农村土地 利用格局模式研究[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(24):166-172
查看全文    HTML 基于。感数据的惠州农村土地 利用格局模式研究
Land use patterns of rural area in Huizhou citybased on remote sensing data
中文关键词: 土地利用  格局模式  农村  惠州
英文关键词: land use  pattern mode  rural area  Huizhou
郭瑞敏,千怀遂,李明霞,张海伟 广州大学地理科学学院广东广州510006 
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      基于惠州市1999、2009 年TM 。感影像图,在平原区、山区分别选取58、30 个样本村庄,并以村庄为中 心点,利用格局分析法探究村庄土地利用类型与空间分布曰通过剖析农村土地利用类型的空间格局,总结模式,分析 两个时期格局模式的变化。结果表明,1999、2009 年惠州市平原区村庄土地利用类型与空间分布均有4 种模式,山区 有3 种模式曰平原区土地利用以耕地和建设用地为主,在绝大部分村庄的景观格局中,它们或为基质,或为优势斑 块,而山区的土地利用以林地为主曰平原地区的格局模式以及变化主要受河流和经济发展的影响,山区的格局模式 及其变化主要受海拔、坡度和经济发展的影响曰无论山区和平原,人类活动对土地利用格局模式均有很大的影响。
      Based on the TM remote sensing images of Huizhou City in 1999 and 2009, 58 and 30 sample villages were respectively selected in the plains and mountainous areas. Taking the village as center, the paper used the pattern analysis method to explore the distribution of land use types, to summarize and analyze the changes of the pattern modes, by analyzing the spatial pattern of land use types in rural areas. The results showed that there were both four modes in plain areas, three modes in mountainous areas in 1999 and 2009. The land and construction land were given priority to the plain land use, in the most of village landscape pattern, they were as substrate or dominant plaque. Woodland was given priority to the mountainous land use. Patterns and changes in the plain areas were mainly affected by rivers and economic development. Patterns and changes in mountain were mainly affected by elevation, slope and economic development. Human activities had great impacts on land use pattern mode in both areas.
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