宋 岩 黄 维 王道波 申希兵 文望名.耕作和施氮方式对晚播红麻福红992产量和纤维品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(1):18-21
查看全文    HTML 耕作和施氮方式对晚播红麻福红992产量和纤维品质的影响
Effects of tillage and nitrogen application methods on fiber yield and quality of Fuhong992
中文关键词: 红麻  耕作方式  施氮方式  纤维产量  纤维品质
英文关键词: kenaf  tillage methods  nitrogen fertilizer methods  fiber yield  fiber quality
宋 岩 黄 维 王道波 申希兵 文望名 北京航空航天大学北海学院广西大学农学院钦州学院资源与环境学院 
摘要点击次数: 2028
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      以常规红麻常规栽培种福红 992 为试材,设免耕(A)、垄耕(B)、深松耕(粉垄,C)3 种耕作方式与 T1(20% 作基肥,80%作追肥)、T2 (40%作基肥,60%作追肥)、T3 (60%作基肥,40%作追肥)3 种施氮方式共 9 个处理,分别为 AT1、AT2、AT3、BT1、BT2、BT3、CT1、CT2、CT3,探讨不同耕作和施氮方式对红麻产量和纤维品质的影响,为红麻高产高效 栽培提供合理的耕作和施肥依据。结果表明:(1)深松耕的耕作方式与 20%作基肥、80%作追肥的施氮方式互作时,红 麻的纤维产量和种子产量均达到最大值;(2)与免耕相比,深松耕的纤维产量、种子产量和纤维强力分别增加 17.0%、 14.8%和 18.4%,线密度降低 15.9%,深松耕可显著提高红麻产量和纤维品质;(3)与 T1相比,T2 的纤维产量、种子产 量和纤维强力分别增加 17.1%、30.8%和 17.6%,线密度降低 17.3%,适当增加氮基肥的比例可以增加红麻的产量和 纤维品质。 因此,采用深松耕结合 20%N 肥作基肥,福红 992 的纤维产量最高,同时兼收的种子质量也达到最大值。
      The fiber yield and quality of regular cultivation kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.), Fuhong 992, were determined under three tillage methods (no tillage, ridge tillage and sub-soiling tillage), three nitrogen fertilizing methods (T1: 20% N fertilizer as basal fertilizer; T2: 40% N fertilizer as basal fertilizer; T3: 60% N fertilizer as basal fertilizer). The effects of tillage and N fertilization methods on fiber yield and quality using a field experiment were studied to provide a sensible solution for high yield and high efficient cultivation of kenaf. Results showed that, (1) the yield of fiber and seed reached the maximum when 20% N fertilizer was as base fertilizer and 80% was as top dressing deep tillage farming methods. (2) Compared with no tillage, the yield of fiber and seed, fiber strength increased by 17.0%, 14.8% and 18.4%, while line density decreased by 15.9%. (3) Compared with T1, the yield of fiber and seeds, fiber strength of T2 increased by 17.1%, 30.8% and 17.6%, while line density decreased by 17.3%. Therefore, fibers yield of Fuhong 992 could get the highest at deep tillage combined with 20%N fertilizer as basal fertilizer, and the yield of seed could reach the maximum, too.
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