郭 印 戴习林 苌建菊 熊昭娣 叶 聪.延绳式种植水蕹菜在上海郊区养殖虾塘中应用效果的研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(1):22-26
查看全文    HTML 延绳式种植水蕹菜在上海郊区养殖虾塘中应用效果的研究
Application effect by longline tyke planting water spinach in shrimp ponds in the suburbs of Shanghai
中文关键词: 水蕹菜  虾池  水质  营养去除
英文关键词: I. aquatic  shrimp pond  water quality  nutrients removal
郭 印 戴习林 苌建菊 熊昭娣 叶 聪 上海海洋大学水产与生命学院上海农林职业技术学院动物科学技术系 
摘要点击次数: 2110
全文下载次数: 911
      利用延绳式在室外养殖虾池种植水蕹菜袁研究其对养殖池塘水质与养殖产量的影响效果。 试验结果显 示,种植水蕹菜后池塘水体透明度、TN、TP、CODMn 和叶绿素 a 稳定性都优于对照池,微生物量变化较对照池也明显 稳定。 种植池每 667m2收获水蕹菜鲜重 200.8(±3.3) kg,水蕹菜对投入水体的氮吸收率为 3.18%,磷吸收率为 1.79%。 种植池中对虾产量以及对水体氮磷去除率略高于对照池。 虾池种植水蕹菜不仅能有效改善水质袁还可提高养殖的经 济效益。
      To investigate the water quality and aquatic production in an aquaponic system, the aquatic vegetable Ipomoea aquatic was planted on floating beds in outdoor shrimp ponds. Results showed that water quality indices including water transparency, TN, TP, CODMn, chlorophyll-a and microbial biomass were more stable than those in control. The fresh weight of I. aquatic was 200.8 (3.3) kg, the removal percentages of TN and TP were 3.18% and 1.79%, respectively. The shrimp production and the rate of removal nitrogen and phosphorus in planded pond were slightly higher than those in control ponds. The results suggested that the water quality could be improved effectively and a higher shrimp density could be stocked in the ponds planted I. aquatic.
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