李小龙,曾 强,汪莹,李红丽,王岩.防治烟草青枯病生物有机肥对土壤微生物菌群的影响及其抗病效果[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(1):50-55
查看全文    HTML 防治烟草青枯病生物有机肥对土壤微生物菌群的影响及其抗病效果
Effect of the bio-organic fertilizer with antagonistic bacteria against tobacco bacterial wilt on soil microbial communities and the disease resistance
中文关键词: 生物有机肥  青枯病  微生物菌群
英文关键词: bio-organic fertilizer  Tobacco bacterial wilt  microbial communities
李小龙,曾 强,汪莹,李红丽,王岩 南平市烟草公司邵武分公司郑州大学化工与能源学院 
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      通过大田试验研究了生物有机肥对烟田土壤微生物菌群的影响和对烟草青枯病的防治效果。 结果表明,大田试验的 4 个处理中,施用生物有机肥的处理 3 和处理 4 对青枯病发病率降低较为明显。 与对照相比,青枯病发病率分别降低 21.9%和 25.0%,烟叶产量提高 5.7%和 5.3%,上中等烟比例提高 2.3%和 2.6%。 施用生物有机肥后,烟株根际土壤微生物不仅数量多,而且种类丰富;发病烟株根际土壤中细菌数量增加 218.5%,种类比较单一。施用生物有机肥可以改善烟田土壤的生态环境、抑制病原菌生长、减少病害的发生和提高烤烟品质。
      The effect of bio-organic fertilizer with antagonistic bacteria against tobacco bacterial wilt on soil microbes and the disease resistance were researched by field experiment. The results revealed that the incidence of tobacco bacterial wilt in the treatment 3 and 4 of adding the bio-organic fertilizer decreased evidently. Compared with the local conventional fertilization, the incidence of the disease decreased by 21.9%, 25.0% in T3 and T4, respectively, while the yield of fluecured tobacco and the proportion of mid-high grade tobacco leaves increased by 5.7%, 5.3% and 2.3%, 2.6%, respectively. The amount and species of rhizosphere microorganisms were much more. While the amount of soil bacteria observably increased by 218.5% with less species once the tobacco bacterial wilt occurred. It could conclude that the bio-organic fertilizer with antagonistic bacteria against tobacco bacterial wilt could improve the ecological condition to inhibit the growing of pathogenic bacteria to decrease the occurrence and improve tobacco quality.
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