贺广生 杨盼盼 杨 芳 卢钰升 田俊岭 张海春 刘丽辉 彭桂香.高效光合细菌菌剂对番茄和土壤肥力的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(1):56-60
查看全文    HTML 高效光合细菌菌剂对番茄和土壤肥力的影响
Effects of inoculants of photosynthetic bacterial on tomato quality and soil fertility
中文关键词: 光合细菌菌剂  番茄品质  土壤肥力
英文关键词: inoculants of photosynthetic bacterial  tomato quality  soil fertility
贺广生 杨盼盼 杨 芳 卢钰升 田俊岭 张海春 刘丽辉 彭桂香 中国烟草总公司广东省公司广东省微生物信号与作物病害防控重点实验室/华南农业大学资源环境学院华南农业大学农学院 
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      在前期试验的基础上,通过大田试验,在土壤肥力水平较高的情况下,进一步验证高效光合细菌菌剂对番茄品质和土壤肥力的影响。 结果表明:施入高效光合细菌菌剂仍然能够显著增加番茄的株高、地径,提高番茄果实的番茄红素、糖酸比、可溶性糖、抗坏血酸、可溶性固形物含量;光合细菌菌剂能够有效调节土壤 pH,促进植物对土壤中速效钾的利用,提高土壤中有机质、碱解氮、速效磷的含量。 高效光合细菌菌剂可以作为一种环境友好肥料应用于作物生产和土壤培肥,为番茄的种植提供科学依据,以期达到增产、增收、提高番茄品质的目的。
      Through the field re-experiment, in the case of high soil fertility level, this study verified the effects of high efficient photosynthetic bacteria inoculants on tomato quality and soil fertility. The experimental results showed that significant increas was observed in the height and diameter of tomato plant, the content of lycopene, sugar-acid ratio, soluble sugar, vitamin C and soluble solids of tomato fruit with photosynthetic bacterial inoculants. Photosynthetic bacterialcould effectively adjust soil pH, promote plant for the use of available potassium in the soil, improve the content of organic matter, available nitrogen and available phosphorus. As an environmental friendly fertilizer, this study confirms the promise of photosynthetic bacterial inoculants on crop production and soil fertilization, provides a scientific basis for planting tomato, in order to achieve the purpose of production, income and improve the quality of tomato.
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