龙友华 吴小毛 尹显慧 严儒贵 张 承 刘洋洋.贵州省甘蔗园主要害虫种类调查及防治药剂筛选[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(1):64-67
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Investigation and insecticide screening of primary sugarcane insect pests in Guizhou province
中文关键词: 甘蔗  绵蚜  条螟  杀虫剂  药剂筛选
英文关键词: sugarcane  Ceratovacuna lanigera (Zehntner)  Chilo sacchariphagus (Kapur), insecticides  insecticide screening
龙友华 吴小毛 尹显慧 严儒贵 张 承 刘洋洋 贵州大学农学院 
摘要点击次数: 1948
全文下载次数: 1046
      为掌握贵州甘蔗害虫种类及发生规律,采用五点取样法和“Z”字型取样法对贵州省甘蔗园害虫种类进行系统调查,并结合调查结果,以甘蔗绵蚜和条螟为对象,使用 2%吡虫啉颗粒剂、3%克百威颗粒剂、90%杀虫单可湿性粉剂作为对照药剂,研究 0.5%吡虫啉窑杀虫单缓释粒剂对甘蔗绵蚜和条螟的田间防效及对甘蔗产量的影响。 结果表明,贵州省甘蔗产区主要害虫有 7 种袁其中甘蔗绵蚜和条螟为蔗区害虫优势种群;0.5%吡虫啉窑杀虫单缓释粒剂防治甘蔗绵蚜药后 60d 的防效为 79.09%-91.80%,防治甘蔗条螟药后 70d 的防效为 71.52%-83.04%,能提高甘蔗产量7.1%-14.4%;生产上推荐使用 2.25-4.5kg/hm2。
      To know main species and occurrence regularity of insects in sugarcane garden in Guizhou province, the systemative survey of insect species in sugarcane garden was carried out by using methods of five-point sampling and Zshaped sampling. Based on investigation results, 5% imidacloprid granules (2.7 kg/hm2), 3% carbofuran granules (2.25 kg/ hm2) and 90% monosultap wettable powder (2.25 kg/hm2) were used as the control insecticides, the field trial of 0.5% imidacloprid monosultap sustained-release granules against Ceratovacuna lanigera (Zehntner) and Chilo sacchariphagus (Kapur) in sugarcane garden under the field condition, and the effect of its usage on sugarcane yield were investigated. The results showed that there were 7 main insects in sugarcane garden in Guizhou province, both C.lanigera and C.sacchariphagus were dominant species of insects in sugarcane garden. The control eficiencies of 0.5% imidacloprid monosultap sustained-release granules against C.lanigera and C.sacchariphagus for bod were 79.09%-91.80% and 71.52%-83.04, respectively, and the yield of sugarcane increased by 7.1%-14.4%, compared with the control. The recommended dose of 0.5% imidaclopridmonosultap sustained-release granules against C.lanigera and C.sacchariphagus in sugarcane garden in Guizhou province was 2.25-4.5 kg/hm2.
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