查看全文    HTML 广东鼎湖山自然保护区苔藓植物区系初步分析
A preliminary study on the phytogeography of bryoflora of Dinghushan National Nature Reserve, Guangdong province
中文关键词: 苔藓植物  鼎湖山  植物区系  自然保护区
英文关键词: bryophytes  Dinghushan  flora  nature reserve
范宗骥,黄忠良 广东鼎湖山国家级自然保护区管理局中国科学院华南植物园 
摘要点击次数: 1715
全文下载次数: 1026
      对鼎湖山苔藓植物已有资料进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)鼎湖山自然保护区共有苔藓植 物 47 科 91 属187 种(含种下等级),其中苔类植物 53 种,隶属 19 科 27 属;藓类植物 134 种,隶属 28 科 64 属;(2)鼎湖山苔藓植物物种组成丰富,其种系密度达 1 619 种/100 km2 ;(3)鼎湖山苔藓植物区系成分复杂多样、联系广泛,以热带亚洲成分为主(占 26.82%) ,东亚成分次之(占 25.70%);(4)鼎湖山苔藓植物各热带性质的区系成分有 99 种(占 55.31%),具有明显的热带性质特征,属于热带性质向北拓展,温带性质向南延伸的过渡 地带。
      The phytogeography of bryophytes in Dinghushan National Nature Reserve is preliminarily studied. There are 187 species in 47 families and 91 genera of bryophytes (including infraspecific taxa) in Dinghushan. Among them, 53 liverworts belong to 19 families and 27 genera, 134 mosses belong to 28 families and 64 genera. Species composition is rich in this area and 1 619 species live there per 100 square kilometers. The phytogeographical patterns of the bryoflora of Dinghushan are complicated. The tropical elements play dominant role occupying about 26.82%, and the next is the East Asian elements, accounting for 25.70%. Overall, the nature of bryoflora of Dinghushan is of tropical obviously as the total tropical patterns occupying 99 species (55.31%). In addition, Dinghushan also plays a transition zone between the tropical and the temperate.
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