朱晓强, 徐剑波, 肖 科, 钟德福.基于 Modbus和 GIS的自动配肥控制系统研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(1):161-166
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Research on automatic fertilizer control system based on MODBUS and GIS
中文关键词: 测土配方施肥  自动控制  Modbus  GIS
英文关键词: soil testing and formulated fertilization  automatic control  Modbus  GIS
朱晓强, 徐剑波, 肖 科, 钟德福 华南农业大学信息学院 
摘要点击次数: 2079
全文下载次数: 1077
      结合广东省实际,从满足测土配方施肥项目成果应用和推广的实际需求出发,利用现有土 壤地理信息、肥料数据、作物施肥模型和信息技术、采用 ArcGIS Engine 组件开发技术和 Modbus RTU 通信协议、开发了以县为单位的测土配方自动配肥控制系统。 应用结果表明, 该控制系统能有效地管理测土配方施肥项目各项数据和土壤地理空间数据,并在此基础上 实现县域内针对精确地块的作物施肥配方和施肥指导推荐,同时能完成现场配制出满足农 民个性化需求的配方肥。
      Combined with the actual of Guangdong Province, for meeting the actual needs of application and promotion of soil testing and formulated fertilizer project, the automatic control system for soil testing and formulated fertilizer taking county as a unit was developed, using existing soil geographic information data, fertilizer data, crop fertilization model and information technology, by ArcGIS Engine component technology and Modbus RTU communication protocol. Preliminary results showed that the control system can effectively manage the soil data and geospatial data in soil testing and formulated fertilizer project, achieve the crop fertilizer and fertilizer recommendation for precise guidance at the county level, and can complete the fertilizer formula to meet the individual needs of farmers on site. K
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