查看全文    HTML 新农村建设视域中河北省农业循环经济建设综合评价及对策
Comprehensive evaluation and development strategies of agro-recycling economy of city field in Hebei province in building new countryside
中文关键词: 河北省  农业循环经济  组合权重  灰色关联度法  新农村建设
英文关键词: Hebei province  agricultural circular economy  the weight of combination  the gray correlation degree  the building
李小健 廊坊师范学院社科部 
摘要点击次数: 1964
全文下载次数: 733
      从农业经济效益、农业资源、农业生态环境、农业科技投入、农业社会保障角度,分析了 当前河北省新农村建设现实中发展循环农业经济存在的问题。 基于新农村建设视角综合经 济发展、环境支撑、资源承载、科技提升和社会保障 5 方面,建立了农业循环经济建设评 价体系;运用灰色关联度法,对全省及各地市近 20 年的农业循环经济发展进行综合评价, 结果表明:河北省农业循环经济建设经历了较差、中等、较高 3 个阶段,农业循环经济建 设水平不断提高,从 1994 年的 0.3526 增长至 2012 年的 0.6616;2012 年河北省农业循环经 济建设各准则层障碍度降序依次为社会保障力、环境支撑力、科技提升力、经济发展力、 资源承载力;2012 年河北省农业循环经济建设水平最高的是唐山市,最差的是秦皇岛市。 结合农业循环经济建设现状、存在问题并兼顾新农村建设提出促进河北省农业循环经济发 展的对策。
      The existing problems are analyzed in the agricultural circular economic construction in Hebei province from the angle of agricultural resources, agricultural ecology environment, investing in agricultural science and technology, agricultural security. Based on the building of new countryside and economic development, environment support, resources bearing, et al, the evaluation index system of agricultural circular economic construction is established. With the gray correlation degree, a comprehensive evaluation of agricultural circular economy development is made in Hebei province during the last 20 years. The results show that agricultural circular economy of Hebei province during the last 20 years has experienced in turning the stages of the less, the medium and the better. The level of agricultural circular economic construction has continued enhancing from 0.3526 in 1994 to 0.6616 in 2012. The influence degrees of obstacles on the agricultural circular economy are in turn social security, environments support, technology improvement, economic development, resources bearing in 2012 of Hebei province. The level of agricultural circular economic construction in Tangshan city is the highest, and that of in Qinhuangdao city is the lowest. Finally, the optimal regulation countermeasures of the agricultural circular economic construction based on both the existing problems in agricultural circular economic construction and the building of new countryside are proposed.
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