李文靖 于海峰 吕红线.发菜单体细胞液体培养过程中的光衰减规律研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(2):22-26
查看全文    HTML 发菜单体细胞液体培养过程中的光衰减规律研究
Study on light attenuation of Nostoc flagelliforme cells in liquid suspension cultivation
中文关键词: 发菜  光衰减  光合自养  混合营养  入射光强
英文关键词: Nostoc flagelliforme  light attenuation  photoautotrophic  mixotrophic  incident light intensity
李文靖 于海峰 吕红线 齐鲁工业大学食品科学与工程学院山东省微生物工程重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1661
全文下载次数: 785
      发菜是一种陆生性蓝细菌,具有很好的经济和药用价值。发菜细胞可进行液体培养,光是其生长的限制因子。 为了解光对发菜细胞液体培养生长的影响,研究了发菜细胞混合营养及自养过程中的光衰减规律。结果表明,Lambert-Beer爷s定律可较好地描述细胞浓度及光程对发菜细胞光衰减的影响,回归得到发菜细胞在自养和混合营养培养液中的光衰减方程。随着发菜细胞密度的增加,两种培养体系透过发菜细胞液的光强在不断减少,特别是随着光程的增加,光衰减速度加快。 当发菜细胞密度和入射光强相同时,光在光合自养培养的细胞液中比混合营养细胞液中衰减速度快。当初始入射光强为 48.73 滋mol/m2窑s时,在发菜细胞密度 0.7715 g/L,光程2 cm 处光合自养培养和混合营养培养液的透射光强分别28.35、30.17 滋mol/m2窑s。
      Nostoc flagelliforme is an edible terrestrial cyanobacterium with great economic and medicinal value. Inliquid suspension culture, light is a limiting factor affecting N. flagelliforme cells growth. Light attenuations of N. flagelliforme cells in the mixotrophic and photoautotrophic cultivation were investigated in order to understand the effects of light on N. flagelliforme cells growth in liquid suspension culture. The results showed that the adapted Lambert-Beer爷s law could well simulate the influences of optical length and cell concentration on light attenuation, and the light attenuation equations of N. flagelliforme cells were established in photoautotrophic and mixotrophic cultivation, respectively. While the concentration ofN. flagelliforme cells density increased, light intensity obtained through N. flagelliforme cells declined in the two culturesystems. Especially, with the increase of optical length, the speed of light attenuation quickened evidently. When the biomassand incident light intensity were identical, the light attenuation in photoautotrophic culture was faster than thatixotrophic culture. For example, when the incident light intensity was 48.
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