刘 洋 黄莺.不同有机肥配施对植烟黄壤氮素的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(2):49-53
查看全文    HTML 不同有机肥配施对植烟黄壤氮素的影响
Effects of combined application of different organic fertilizers on nitrogen in tobacco planting yellow soil
中文关键词: 土壤  有机肥  全氮  铵态氮  硝态氮
英文关键词: soil  organic fertilizer  total nitrogen  nitrate nitrogen  ammonium nitrogen
刘 洋 黄莺 贵州大学农学院/贵州省烟草品质研究重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1659
全文下载次数: 677
      采用田间网袋取样的方式,在等氮量、有机氮占 20%条件下,研究牛粪尧鸡粪、沼渣、秸秆等有机肥与化肥配施对植烟土壤氮素的影响。 结果表明,有机肥施用达到明显的缓释效果,各有机肥处理中,土壤全氮含量无秸秆处理相对于有秸秆处理呈现前高后低的趋势,而仅配施秸秆处理整个时期变化不大,处于相对较低水平。 有机肥处理相对于纯化肥处理土壤全氮提高 0.01%~0.52%。 试验前期,有机肥处理中土壤铵、硝态氮含量相对于纯化肥处理高出 0.26%~33.95%,差异明显。施肥后 180d,各处理铵态氮含量均高于纯化肥处理 0.88%~25.97%,除鸡粪处理硝态氮含量比纯化肥处理低出 3.41%外,各处理均高出 0.63%~25.37%。结果还表明厩肥类与秸秆类配施可为作物提供更长效的高肥力供应,优于其他处理,相对于纯化肥可多持续 40d 以上。
      This article researched the effects of combined application of chemical fertilizer and organicfertilizers like cow dung, fowl dung, biogas residue and straw on nitrogen in tobacco planting yellow soil undercondition of equal nitrogen and 20% organic nitrogen through field experiment of simpling with mash bags. Theresults showed that fertilizers had significant effect of slow releasing after applying. Soil total nitrogen content ofnon-straw treatment showed a tendency of high then low compared with straw treatment, but soil total nitrogencontent of only-straw treatment stayed on a low level during the whole period. Soil total nitrogen contents of organicfertilizer treatments increased by 0.01%-0.52% compared with purifying treatment. Soil nitrate and ammoniumnitrogen contents of organic fertilizer treatment were higher than purifying treatment from 0.26% to 33.95% in earlierstage. Soil ammonium nitrogen content of different treatments were 0.88%-25.97% higher than that of purifyingtreatment after 180 days. Soil nitrate nitrogen content of different treatments were 0.63%-25.37% higher than that ofthat of purifying treatment except fowl dung treatment, which was 3.41% lower than purifying treatment. The resultsalso showed that it was better than other treatments that combined application of animal manure and straw, it couldprovide long-effect high fertility for crops, which could last more than 40 days compared with purifying fertilizer.
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