张 波, 谢正生, 喻明美.非洲桃花心木大树移植的生长效应研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(3):35-38
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Growth effect of African mahogany after big tree transplanting
中文关键词: 非洲桃花心木  大树移植  生长效应  寒害
英文关键词: Khaya senegalensis  big tree transplanting  growth effect  cold damage
张 波, 谢正生, 喻明美 华南农业大学农事训练中心
摘要点击次数: 1709
全文下载次数: 875
      大树移植是现代城市园林植物景观建设中常见的栽培措施。 对不同移植年龄的非洲桃花心木大树移植后的生长情况、受寒害程度以及寒害后的恢复生长情况进行研究。 结果表明,非洲桃花心木的生长在不同移植年龄有显著差异;不同移植年龄的 1~2 年生平均粗度在 14.5~19.5 mm 的枝条均受到寒害而枯,受伤枝条平均长度范围为 0.79~0.88m;寒害后,不同株间的萌芽数差异较大,但各个方向的枝条生长无显著差异,不同季节间的枝条生长存在极显著差异,且春夏的粗度、长度极显著大于秋冬的粗度、长度。
      Big tree transplanting is a common planting technique in the modern city plants landscape construction In this paper, the growth injury and recovery of African mahogany which were transplanted in different time were studied. The results showed that the growths of African mahogany at different ages had very significant differences. 1 to 2 year-old branches in different transplant age, the branch thick from 14.5 mm to 19.5 mm could be damaged, and the damage range was 0.79~0.88m After the cold damage, there was a great difference between the germination number of plants, but no great difference was found on the branch growth of different directions The branch growth in different seasons had a very significant difference, and the diameter and length in spring and summer were very significant larger than those in autumn and winter.
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