王 岚, 林海丹, 徐 娟,等.国内外植物生长调节剂残留限量标准的比对分析[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(3):70-73
查看全文    HTML 国内外植物生长调节剂残留限量标准的比对分析
Comparative analysis on MRLs between China and abroad in plant growth regulator
中文关键词: 植物生长调节剂  最大残留限量  标准  比对分析
英文关键词: plant growth regulator  Maximum Residue Limit (MRL)  standard  comparative analysis
王 岚, 林海丹, 徐 娟,等 广东出入境检验检疫技术中心 
摘要点击次数: 1656
全文下载次数: 1080
      对我国植物生长调节剂现行的限量标准进行概述,并与 CAC、欧盟、日本、美国、澳大利亚相关限量进行比对分析,以期对我国植物生长调节剂的研究和限量标准的修订提供参考。 我国植物生长调节剂限量标准主要存在三方面问题,一是植物生长调节剂限量标准有缺失,与批准使用的种类数量脱节;二是标准规定的产品种类和限量与国外农产品进口国的要求尚有一定差距;三是标准限量集中于植物源性产品,缺少动物源性产品标准。 并提出以下建议:应尽快建立健全我国已批准使用的植调剂限量标准,并考虑设定植调剂在动物源性产品中的残留限量。
      In this paper, the Maximum Residue Limit(MRLs) of plant growth regulator at home was summarized,and MRLs among China, CAC, EU, America and Australia was compared in order to provide the reference for the study and setting MRLs in plant growth regulator. There were significant gaps between China and abroad. Firstly,national MRLs in plant growth regulator was missing, and less than the number of actually approved species by country. Secondly, product categories and limits prescribed by national MRLs could not meet the requirements of importer of agricultural products. Thirdly, national MRLs in plant growth regulator focused on products of plant origin, did not include products of animal origin. At last, we put forward the following suggestions: as soon as possible to establish and perfect national MRLs in plant growth regulator that has approved, and considering setting MRLs in plant growth regulator in products of animal origin.
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