梁红雁, 蒲万霞, 吴 润,等.一种新型酵母菌制剂的耐受性分析[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(3):110-114
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Tolerance analysis of a new yeast preparation
中文关键词: 活性酵母  生长特性  耐受性
英文关键词: active yeast  growth characteristic  tolerance
梁红雁, 蒲万霞, 吴 润,等 甘肃农业大学动物医学院
摘要点击次数: 1530
全文下载次数: 833
      为研究以一种新型活性酵母为主要成分的微生态制剂在模拟动物胃肠道环境下的耐受情况,运用直接计数法对酵母菌在一定时间内的生长曲线、pH 值变化以及凝聚性进行测定,分析该活性酵母的生长特性,同时测定其在模拟胃肠道的酸性环境及高渗环境和不同温度环境中的活力。 结果表明,该酵母具有耐受酸性 pH2、胆盐浓度 1%、盐浓度 22%等特殊环境的能力,且可在水温 64益短时间内的情况下生长,同时在规定的耐受范围内有较高存活率且符合益生菌制剂在肠道发挥益生功能所需的菌含量,为其以后的临床应用及规模化生产提供理论依据。
      The tolerance of a new yeast preparation, of which main component is active yeast, in a simulated gastrointestinal tract model was analyzed. Firstly the yeasts growth characteristic experiment was conducted which included growth curve in certain period of time, pH variation and coherency by the method of direct counting with blood count board to analyze its growth characteristics, then determine yeasts dynamic testing under the acidic and hypertonic environment in a simulated gastrointestinal tract model as well as its capacity at different temperature conditions. Ultimately, it proved that the yeast could grow well under circumstances of the acidic environment at pH2, concentration of bile salt of 1%, salt of 22%, and also at 64in a short time, moreover. In the range of tolerance for probiotics, its higher survival rate and content could meet the best possible probiotic functional needs, to provide theoretical basis for the clinical application and a large-scale production in the future.
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