谢 静, 钟艳霞, 罗玲玲,等.黄河湿地降解菌的分离鉴定及系统发育树的构建[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(3):153-157
查看全文    HTML 黄河湿地降解菌的分离鉴定及系统发育树的构建
Isolation, identification and construction of phylogenetic tree of degrading bacteria in Yellow River Wetland
中文关键词: 降解菌  16S rRNA  系统发育树  黄河湿地
英文关键词: degrading bacteria  16S rRNA  phylogenetic tree  Yellow River Wetland
谢 静, 钟艳霞, 罗玲玲,等 宁夏大学资源环境学院 
摘要点击次数: 1561
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      采用富集培养法分离提纯出了 6 株降解菌,通过研究其降解能力,筛选出降解效果较高的两株菌 H3 和 H6, 利用 16S rRNA 基因克隆法鉴定其基因序列, 同时将基因序列与 NCBI 数据库中已有细菌的 16S rRNA 序列进行相似性比较分析后构建系统发育树, 最后结合菌落的形态学特征和生理生化特征确定其生物 学地位。 结果表明,6 株菌对污染物均有一定的降解能力, 而且对 CODcr 的降解效果要优于对 TP 和 NH3-N 的; 菌株 H3 和 H6 对 CODcr、TP、NH3-N 的去除率分别为 50.2%、26.83%、44.89%及 52.19%、25.16%、46.79%,降 解能力较突出;菌株 H3 与荧光假单胞菌 Pseudomonas fluorescens (NR_113647.1)亲缘性最近,同源性达 99%; 菌株 H6 与解淀粉芽孢杆菌 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens(NR_075005.1)同源性达 99%。分离所得到的荧光假单胞 菌和解淀粉芽孢杆菌对生活污水具有一定的净化作用,且安全性有保障,可以应用于湖泊湿地水体的生态修 复和生活污水处理中。
      Enrichment culture method was adopted to separate and purify 6 bacteria which had degradative capability. Two strains H3 and H6 with higher degradative capability were screened by studying their degradation ability. 16S rRNA gene clone method was adopted to identify their gene sequences and a phylogeny tree was constructed after a comparative analysis on similarity with the existing bacterias 16S rRNA gene sequences in the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Then, combined with their morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics, this study determined their biological status. The results showed that 6 bacteria had certain ability to degrade pollutants, and the removal efficiencies of CODcr were better than those of TP and NH3-N; H3爷s removal rates of CODcr, TP, NH3-N were 50.2%, 26.83% and 44.89%, H6s removal rates of CODcr, TP, NH3- N were 52.19%, 25.16% and 46.79%, their degradation abilities were more prominent. H3 and Pseudomonas fluorescent (NR_113647.1) had very close affinity, their homology could up to 99%; the homology of H6 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (NR_075005.1) was 99%. The P. fluorescent and B. amyloliquefaciens isolated from Yellow River Wetland have purifying effect on domestic sewage, and their security is guaranteed, they can be applied to ecological restoration of lake wetlands and sewage treatment
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