田民霞, 郑维列, 王国严.藏东南忍冬属植物分布格局及其系统演化[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(3):158-164
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Distribution pattern and system evolution of Lonicera plants in Southeast Tibet
中文关键词: 藏东南  忍冬属植物  分布格局  青藏高原隆升
英文关键词: Southeast Tibet  Lonicera plants  distribution pattern  uplift of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau
田民霞, 郑维列, 王国严 西藏大学农牧学院 
摘要点击次数: 1686
全文下载次数: 862
      藏东南是忍冬属植物种类比较丰富的地区之一,其种类约占全国的 24%,世界的 12%。 基于对藏 东南分布的忍冬属植物资源资料进行系统的整理和研究现状综述,编制了藏东南忍冬属植物 1 亚属 4 组 9 亚 组 24 种 1 亚种 6 变种 2 变型分组分种检索表, 对比分析了各个种的表型特征和分布规律及其主要影响因子, 并论证了该属植物的演化与青藏高原隆升的关系。 发现忍冬属植物在该区域的分布从西北部到东南部、高海 拔到低海拔,其生活型呈现了由“灌木要灌木小乔木要藤本和落叶要落叶半常绿要常绿”的过渡,海拔和降水 是影响该属植物在该地区分布的主要生态因素;在海拔 2 000~3 500m 和年降水量 800~1 200 mm 之间该属植 物丰富度最高;在该地区分布的 4 个组中,囊管组的大苞亚组、紫花亚组、短冠亚组、红花亚组、蓝果亚组、郁香 亚组以及空枝组的赭黄花亚组、直管组的杯苞亚组在藏东南分布都较广,唯独只有一个缠绕亚组的忍冬组,仅 出现于气候偏暖湿的墨脱、察隅及波密南部,分布较为狭窄,与该组植物在系统发育上的原始性和该地区复杂 生境的“避难所”作用有关。
      Southeast Tibet is one of the areas that have abundant Lonicera plant species, the species accountes for 24% of the total country and 12% of the total world. Based on systematical collation of Lonicera plants resources material in Southeast Tibet, the present situation was summarized. We created the brief identification tables on a sections and species level of 24 species and 1 subspecies and 6 varieties, which belonged to 1 subgenus and 4 sections and 9 subgroups, comparatively analyzed the phenotypic traits, the law of distribution and main impact factors and demonstrated the relationship between the evolution of this genus and uplift of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. We found that the distribution of Lonicera plants in this region appeared to its life-form, showing the transition of Shrub-shrub and small trees-liana, defoliation-half aiphyllus-evergreen, with elevation from low to high, the northwest to the southeast. And elevation and precipitation were the the main ecological factors that impacted the distribution of this genus in the region. Under the climatic conditions of altitude of 2 000 -3 500 m, annual precipitation of 800-1 200 mm, its richness was the highest. In the 4 groups of Lonicera plants in this area, Subsect. Bracteatae, Subsect. Purpurascentes, Subsect. Alpigenae, Subsect. Rhod -anthae, Subsect. Caeruleae and Subsect Fragrantissimae of Sect. Isika, Subsect. Ochranthae of Sect. Coeloxylosteum and Subsect. Cupulatae of Sect. Isoxylosteum were widely distributed in Southeast Tibet. The distribution of Sect. Nintooa which had only one Subsect. Volubilis was narrow that only distributed in the warmer and wetter Medog, Bome, southern of Zay, andthis was relative to its primitiveness in phylogeny and the effect of refuge in the complex habitat.
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