袁嫚嫚, 邬 刚, 胡 润.优化栽培对油菜物质累积和产量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(5):19-23
查看全文    HTML 优化栽培对油菜物质累积和产量的影响
Effects of optimized cultivation patterns on matter accumulation and yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
中文关键词: 油菜  种植密度  施肥  物质累积  产量
英文关键词: rapeseed  planting density  fertilizer  matter accumulation  yield
袁嫚嫚, 邬 刚, 胡 润 安徽省农科院土壤肥料研究所
摘要点击次数: 1620
全文下载次数: 644
      为给长江中下游稻油轮作区油菜的高产高效栽培提供理论依据,以德油5 号为材料,设置不施氮 肥、农民习惯施肥和3 个优化栽培处理(分别用CK、FFP、OPT1、OPT2 和OPT3 表示),研究了秸秆还田、合理增 密和优化施肥等栽培措施对油菜地上部干物质和养分累积及产量的影响。结果表明,不同处理油菜干物质和 养分累积的变化趋势基本相同,随油菜栽培措施的优化,地上部物质和养分累积显著增加。OPT2 养分累积和 产量低于OPT3,但籽粒和养分收获指数显著提高,提高了产投比;与FFP 比较,OPT2 产量增加73.5%,增收 2 160 元/hm2,养分累积和收获指数均增加显著。说明OPT2 通过栽培技术的集成优化,可以促进油菜生长,进 而获得较高的产量、养分累积和收益。
      A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of planting density and fertilizer application with straw incorporated on shoot dry matter accumulation and yield of rapeseed in the lower Yangtze region. This experiment used Deyou 5 as the materials in treatments of no nitrogen fertilizer (CK), farmer爷s practice pattern (FFP) and three optimized cultivation patterns (OPT1, OPT2 and OPT3). The results showed that the shoot dry matter, N, P and K accumulation trends were similar in different treatments. With the cultivation patterns optimizing, the more shoot dry matter, N, P and K accumulation was obtained. The shoot dry matter accumulation and yield in the OPT2 treatment was lower than those in OPT3, however, the seed, N, P, K harvest indices and value to cost ratio increased significantly. Compared with the FFP treatment, the seed yield and net benefit increased by 73.5% and 2 160 Yuan/hm2 of the OPT2 treatment. The results suggested that shoot growth could be improved, at the same time, high seed yield, nutrition and value to cost ratio could be achieved through integrating and optimizing cultivation techniques in the OPT2 treatment.
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