查看全文    HTML 蝴蝶兰种质资源及杂交育种进展
Progress in germplasm resources and crossbreeding of Phalaenopsis
中文关键词: 蝴蝶兰  种质资源  杂交育种
英文关键词: Phalaenopsis  germplasm resources  cross breeding
朱根发 广东省农科院环境园艺研究所/广东省园林花卉种质创新综合利用重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1874
全文下载次数: 1841
      蝴蝶兰的发现距今约 190 年,经过 120 多年来不断的杂交育种,取得了令人瞩目的成就,已登录了 蝴蝶兰杂交种 31 818 个,极大地推动了蝴蝶兰产业的发展,使其成为全球重要的盆栽花卉之一。我国是蝴蝶兰 的原产地之一,台湾地区早在 20 世纪 80 年代就树立了世界蝴蝶兰育种中心的地位。经过近 30 年的快速发展, 我国大陆地区也成为全球重要的蝴蝶兰生产和消费地之一,但由于育种工作起步晚,品种仍主要依赖引进,自 主培育的品种不多,与产业规模形成巨大反差。 综述了国际蝴蝶兰种质资源的现状及其杂交育种进展,指出存 在问题和不足,为开展蝴蝶兰育种提供了一些思路和方向。
      Phalaenopsis amabilis Blume was discovered about 190 years ago, remarkable achievements in crossbreeding have been made after more than 120 years. 31 818 hybrids have been registered in the International Orchids Registration Committee of Royal Horticultural Society, which greatly promoted the development of butterfly orchid industry, and made it being one of the world爷s important potted flowers. Phalaenopsis is one of origin orchids in China, Taiwan established a world orchid breeding centre position in the 1980爷s. After nearly 30 years of fast development, China has also become one important orchid production and consumption in the world. Because breeding work started late in the mainland, Phalaenopsis production still relies mainly on imported cultivars, independent cultivation of varieties is not much, which is great contrast with the industrial scale. This article reviewed the current status of Phalaenopsis germplasm resources and cross breeding progress, and provided some ideas and direction for Phalaenopsis breeding.
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