李乔曼, 吴亚腾, 柳志强,等.催吐萝芙木内生细菌LYM3的分离鉴定及产抗菌活性物质的发酵条件优化[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(5):53-57
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Application of four kinds of bacteriostats in open tissue culture of tobacco
中文关键词: 催吐萝芙木  内生细菌  分离鉴定  发酵条件优化
英文关键词: open tissue culture of plant  tobacco  bacteriostats
李乔曼, 吴亚腾, 柳志强,等 海南大学环境与植物保护学院 
摘要点击次数: 1435
全文下载次数: 703
      从催吐萝芙木中分离到 1 株对香蕉炭疽菌拮抗作用较强的菌株 LYM3‘皿内拮抗活性达到 64%‘ 通过常规鉴定结合 16S rDNA 序列分析‘将该菌株鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。 通过单因素法对其产 抗菌活性物质的发酵条件进行了优化‘ 获得其最适培养基组成为: 可溶性淀粉 2%‘ 胰蛋白胨 1%‘ 酵母粉 0.8%‘NaCl 1%‘初始 pH 6.0、28益、180 r/min 发酵培养 60h‘抗菌活性物质产量达到最高‘抑菌圈直径为 3.42 cm。
      A proper bacteriostatic agent formula takes key function in the open tissue culture. In this paper, four common bacteriostats (kanamycin, cephalosporin, carbendazim and sodium hypochlorite) were added to culture mediums separately and the effects of them on tobacco growth status were observed. The results showed that bacterial contamination would be less than 10% when 50 mg/L cephalosporin was added to the medium, while fungi contamination would be less than 10% when carbendazim in 600-fold dilution (50%WP) was added. What爷s more, bacterial and fungi contamination were both less than 10% when culture mediums contained only 1% sodium hypochlorite, and the tobacco explant differentiation was the best. Kanamycin was not a appropriate bacteriostatic agent for open tissue culture of tobacco.
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