陈明强, 刘宝锁, 谭才钢,等.合浦珠母贝家系间生长性状和感染多毛类寄生病的比较分析[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(5):87-91
查看全文    HTML 合浦珠母贝家系间生长性状和感染多毛类寄生病的比较分析
Comparative analysis on growth traits and polychaetes infection in different Pinctada fucata families
中文关键词: 合浦珠母贝  凿贝才女虫  家系比较  选择育种
英文关键词: Pinctada fucata  Polydora ciliata  family comparison  breeding selection
陈明强, 刘宝锁, 谭才钢,等 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所/农业部南海渔业资源开发与利用重点实验室.上海海洋大学水产与生命学院 
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      对合浦珠母贝 12 个全同胞家系的生长性状和才女虫寄生病的感染情况进行比较分析‘ 结果显 示: 筛选出的快速生长家系 F10、F11、F3 和 F12 与生长最慢的家系 F7 相比‘ 壳高分别大 16.01%、14.93%、 10.51%和 10.16%‘体质量分别重 35.72%、28.02%、25.98%和 17.61%。 筛选出的抗病家系 F8、F9、F11 和 F10‘其 才女虫寄生病的总感染率与感染最高的家系 F3 相比‘分别降低了 48%、34%、27%和 23%‘表明这 4 个家系初 步提高了合浦珠母贝抗才女虫寄生病的能力。 筛选出的快速生长家系和抗病家系可作为选育的核心育种家 系‘为培育生长速度快和抗才女虫寄生病的合浦珠母贝新品系奠定良好的基础。
      In this study, the wild Pinctada fucata from Sanya, Shenzhen and Vietnam were used as brood stock to construct 30 full-sibs families, and the polychaetes infection of 12 families with higher survival were analyzed. The selected families of F10, F11, F3 and F12 showed rapid growth, and the shell height improved by 16.01%, 14.93%, 10.51% and 10.16%, and the body weight improved by 35.72%, 28.02%, 25.98% and 17.61% compared with family F7 with the slowest growth. The families of F8, F9, F11 and F10 had the lowest polychaetes infection, and decreased by 48%, 34%, 27% and 23% compared with family F3 with the highest infestation. It demonstrated that the above 4 families improved the polydoraiosis resistance preliminarily. Those selected families could be used as the core breeding population for improving polydoraiosis resistance of P. fucata. In addition, the results also provided a reference for cultured P. fucata with selecting fast growth and polydoraiosis resistance.
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