杨杰峰, 闵水发, 王海民,等.湿地生物多样性评价体系研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(5):115-118
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Study on evaluation system of wetland biodiversity
中文关键词: 湿地  生物多样性  评价指标  权重
英文关键词: wetland  biodiversity  evaluation index  weight
杨杰峰, 闵水发, 王海民,等 .中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所.湖北生态工程职业技术学院林业生态学院 
摘要点击次数: 1516
全文下载次数: 901
      湿地是自然界物种最丰富多样的生态系统之一‘对其生物多样性的评价方法及保护的研究具有 重要意义。 在有关湿地资源评价理论的基础上‘针对我国湿地的特征与现状‘确定了物种多度、物种相对丰度、 稀有物种、群系多度、湿地类型、保护地类型、外来物种入侵、植被破坏程度以及保护意识和管理水平等 9 项指 标‘建立了湿地生物多样性评价体系‘并为各项指标确定了科学、准确的评分标准及权重‘可为今后我国湿地 生物多样性的评价、保护、恢复等工作的开展提供可靠依据。
      Wetland is one of the ecological systems including the most abundant species, and it is significant for the assessment of biodiversity and protection research on wetland. Based on wetland resources evaluation theory, aiming at the characteristics and current situation of wetland in our country, this paper determined 9 indicators including the species abundance, species relative abundance, rare species, formation degrees, wetland type, protection land type, invasive species, vegetation damage, protection consciousness and management level, established wetland biodiversity evaluation system, also determined the scientific and accurate grading standard and weight. The results can provide reliable basis for the future evaluation, protection and restoration of wetland biodiversity in China.
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