周才碧, 陈文品, 穆瑞禄,等.普洱茶优势菌株产黄青霉的功能及安全性研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(6):14-20
查看全文    HTML 普洱茶优势菌株产黄青霉的功能及安全性研究
Research on function and safety of Penicilliumchrysogenum, a preponderant fungus duringthe fermentation process of Pu'er tea
中文关键词: 普洱茶  产黄青霉  分类鉴定  桔青霉素  展青霉素  安全性
英文关键词: Pu'er tea  Penicillium chrysogenum  identification  citrinin  patulin  safety
周才碧, 陈文品, 穆瑞禄,等 华南农业大学园艺学院广州质量监督检测研究院 
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      为了解产黄青霉在普洱茶渥堆发酵中的功能和安全性,利用普洱茶中分离、鉴定得到的产黄青 霉,接种于潮水量 35%的云南大叶种晒青毛茶,30益发酵 25d 制备得发酵样,进行感官、理化和安全性分析。 结 果表明:与对照样相比,发酵样香气甜浓、汤色棕红、滋味较醇和,茶多酚、可溶性糖、茶褐素、红度和黄度等变 化较为深刻,且桔青霉素和展青霉素均低于国内外限量。 说明产黄青霉适于普洱茶的渥堆发酵,且发酵样的安 全性高。
      In order to understand the function and safety of Penicillium chrysogenum during the fermentation process of Pu'er tea, P. chrysogenum, separated from the Pu'er tea, was inoculated on the sun-dried green tea with 35% water, for 25 days at 30℃, then the sensory, security, physical and chemical of fermented sample was evaluated. The results showed that compared with CK, the contents of tea polyphenols, soluble sugar, theabrownins, redness and brightness changed significantly in the fermented sample with sweet aroma, henna tang, velvety flavor, and the contents of citrinin and patulin were lower than the limition of home and abroad. In conclusion, P. chrysogenum is one of preponderant fungus during the fermentation process of Pu'er tea, and plays a very important role in the formation of Pu'er tea quality with high safety.
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