高丽霞, 肖化兰, 李 森,等.广东省蓝莓发展现状与展望[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(6):25-29
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Development status and prospect of blueberryin Guangdong province
中文关键词: 蓝莓  发展现状  主要问题  前景
英文关键词: blueberry  development status  bottleneck  prospect
高丽霞, 肖化兰, 李 森,等 仲恺农业工程学院教学科研基地管理中心仲恺农业工程学院园艺园林学院仲恺农业工程学院科研处 
摘要点击次数: 1458
全文下载次数: 1026
      蓝莓由于其高营养保健价值近年来备受关注,世界各地蓝莓专家也在逐步培育蓝莓新品种,就蓝 莓产业化发展提出有建设性的理论支撑和种植技术研究,并不断致力于拓宽蓝莓种植纬度。 阐述了国内外蓝 莓研究概况、我国及广东省蓝莓产业发展现状,分析了广东省种植蓝莓的优势,针对目前制约广东省蓝莓发展 的主要问题提出发展对策,并展望了广东省种植蓝莓的发展前景。
      In recent years, more and more attention is paid to the research field of blueberry, due to its high nutritional value to our healthy, and novel blueberry varieties are cultivated by breeders all over the world. The constructive theoretical studies and planting techniques of blueberry are put forward concerning industrial development, and researchers are committing to broaden the blueberry planting latitude. The research of blueberry at home and abroad, and industrial blueberry development in China, especially in Guangdong, were reviewed in this paper, the superiority of planting blueberry in Guangdong was analyzed, strategies aiming to solve the bottleneck to blueberry industrial development in Guangdong were put forward, the prospect of planting blueberry in Guangdong province was pointed out.
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