高 荣, 岳 桦.哈尔滨春季70种观赏植物的展叶属性及选择对策[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(6):35-39
查看全文    HTML 哈尔滨春季70种观赏植物的展叶属性及选择对策
Leaf expansion characteristic and selecion countermeasureof 70 kinds of ornamental plants in the spring of Harbin
中文关键词: 哈尔滨  春季  景观  观赏植物  展叶  色彩
英文关键词: Harbin  spring  landscape  ornamental plants  leaf expansion  color
高 荣, 岳 桦 东北林业大学园林学院 
摘要点击次数: 1760
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      观察哈尔滨 70 种观赏植物春季的展叶特征,分析植物展叶时序性、叶片色彩属性及两者与气温 变化的相关性,研究哈尔滨春季设计中植物选择范围,为地域性植物色彩设计提供科学依据。 结果表明,在 70 种观赏植物中,最早进入完全展叶期的是二月兰、紫花地丁、华北茶镳子和稠李,当候温达到 16益、日温差在 10~12益时,有 37 种植物(占 52.9%)全部展叶,可以达到较为明显的季相景观效果。 植物叶色的 NCS 叶色值分 布在 NCSS 1070-G950Y 至 NCSS 6020-G70Y 的 26 个标准颜色中,乔木、灌木、草本植物分别覆盖 3、11、13 种。 其中 NCSS 3060-G40Y 和 NCSS 4050-G40Y 色值所占比例最大、分别为 20%和 17.1%。
      Leaf expansion characteristics of 70 kinds of ornamental plants in Harbin spring were observed, the leaf expansion sequences and color property, as well as their correlation-ship with the climate temperature variation in spring of Harbin were analyzed, in order to study the plant selection range and provide a scientific basis for regional plant color design in Harbin. The results showed that, in 70 kinds of ornamental plants, the first to enter into fully leaf-expansion period were Orychophragmus violaceus (Linnaeus) O. E. Schulz, Viola philippica Cav, Ribes fasciculatum var. chinense Maxim. and Prunus padus Linn.. When the isothermal temperature reached 16益and the daily temperature difference was 10~12益, there were 37 kinds of plant (occupy 52.9%) expanding leaf fully, and could achieve obvious seasonal landscape effect. The leaf color value of NCS distribution in the 26 standard color from NCS S 1070 -G950Y to NCS S 6020 -G70Y, and the trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants covered 3, 11, 13 respectively. The color value of NCS S 3060-G40Y and NCS S 4050-G40Y accounted for the largest proportion, which was 20% and 17.1%, respectively.
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