杜国明, 赖振博, 李 婧,等.不同土地制度下垦区与农区农户经营行为对比分析[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(6):146-153
查看全文    HTML 不同土地制度下垦区与农区农户经营行为对比分析
Comparative analysis on farmers爷managementbehaviors under different land systemsin reclamation and agricultural areas
中文关键词: 垦区  农区  农户经营行为  土地制度
英文关键词: reclamation region  agricultural region  farmers爷management behavior  land system
杜国明, 赖振博, 李 婧,等 东北农业大学资源与环境学院.黑龙江省村镇发展研究中心东北农业大学马克思主义学院 
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      为研究不同制度下的农户经营行为,基于富锦市垦区与农区 80 户农户调查数据,比较他们的生 产规模、耕地利用结构、农户经营行为和经济效益。 结果表明:(1)不同土地制度下,垦区户均耕地规模为 6.98 hm2 ,高于农区 3.64 hm2 。(2)垦区地均、户均农业生产成本分别为 15 635.85 元/hm2 、10.91 万元,远高于农区的 7 955.10 元/hm2 、2.90 万元, 物质生产成本均在 84%以上。(3) 垦区农户地均粮食产值与农业纯收入分别为 22 110.00、6 474.15 元/hm2 ,均高于农区的 12 950.40、4 995.30 元/hm2 ;而农业补贴标准相近。 就户均水平而言, 垦区粮食产值、农业纯收入和农业补贴分别为 15.43 万、4.52 万、0.75 万元,高于农区的 4.71 万、1.81 万、0.37 万 元。 但农区农户计入兼业收入 3.31 万元后,户均收入为 5.49 万元,稍高于垦区的 5.27 万元/户。
      This paper analyzes and compares the production scale, arable land use structure, behaviors and economic benefits of households based on the survey data of 80 households in the reclamation and agricultural regions in Fujin County. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) per household scale of arable land is 6.98 hm2 in the reclamation region, obviously higher than that in the agricultural area (3.64 hm2). (2) In the reclamation region, the agricultural cost of production is 15 635.85 Yuan/hm2, much higher than that in the agricultural region (7 955.10 Yuan/hm2). The household level costs of agricultural production invested in the reclamation and agricultural regions are 109 100 Yuan and 29 000 Yuan, respectively. The reclamation households are focus on agricultural production, however there exits the multiple job-holding‘s behavior for the agricultural region households. (3) The grain output and agricultural net income for reclamation households are 22 110.00 Yuan/hm2 and 6 474.15 Yuan/hm2, respectively, both higher than those in the agricultural region (12 950.40 Yuan/hm2, 4 995.30 Yuan/hm2), and the agricultural subsidy standard is similar. In terms of per household level, the grain output, agricultural net income and agricultural subsidy in the reclamation region are 154 300 Yuan, 45 200 Yuan and 7 500 Yuan, respectively, higher than those in the agricultural region (47 100 Yuan, 18 100 Yuan and 3 700 Yuan). But counting 33 100 Yuan of the Yuan and 3 700 Yuan). But counting 33 100 Yuan of the multiple job -holding爷s income, the per household income is 54 900 Yuan for agricultural area farmers, slightly higher than that in the reclamation region (52 700 Yuan/household).
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