谢洪科,韩小霞,李 丁,等.水稻RNAi突变体库的创制和筛选[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(7):-4 |
水稻RNAi突变体库的创制和筛选 |
Construction and screening of RNAi mutant library of rice |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 水稻 RNAi突变体库 表型筛选 类病斑突变体… |
英文关键词: rice RNAi mutant library phenotype screening lesion mimic mutant |
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摘要点击次数: 1834 |
全文下载次数: 836 |
中文摘要: |
:通过转化水稻 hpRNA 农杆菌文库至粳稻品种台北 309,获得143 株转基因植株。随机选取 36 株
T0 代转基因植株进行检测,其 GUS阳性率为77.78%,且其中35份 PCR阳性材料的插入片段均与粳稻日本晴的
mRNA 有较高匹配。对 61份 T1 代突变体进行筛选,获得33份有突变表型的材料。初步获得1份类病斑突变体,
序列分析表明其可能干扰基因的编码产物为RAL6-种子过敏蛋白RA5/RA14/RA17的前体,属于淀粉酶 / 胰蛋白
酶抑制剂家族,该类基因在植物自然防御系统中扮演重要较色。 |
英文摘要: |
143 transgenic plants were obtained by transforming the hpRNA Agrobacterium library into the callus
of japonica variety Taipei 309. The detection of 36 transgenic plants showed that the GUS positive was 77.78%,and the
sequencing of 35 PCR positive plants were well matched with japonica rice mRNA sequences. 33 materials with mutant
phenotype were screened and one lesion mimic mutant was identified from mutant library with 61 T1 materials. The
sequence of insertion showed that the gene production belonging to Alpha-amylase inhibitor protein family was RAL6-
Seed allergenic protein RA5/RA14/RA17 precursor,it plays an important role in plant's defense system. |
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