查看全文    HTML 留叶枝条件下不同种植密度百棉1号的棉铃空间分布
Boll spatial distribution of cotton cultivar Baimian1 with different planting densities under remaining monopodial branches
中文关键词: :棉花  种植密度  棉铃空间分布  留叶枝
英文关键词: cotton  planting density  spatial distribution of cotton bolls  remaining monopodial branches
张志勇,卜晶晶,张金宝,等 河南科技学院/ 现代生物育种河南省协同创新中心 
摘要点击次数: 1779
全文下载次数: 603
      :以百棉1号为材料,研究了在留叶枝条件下,产量、纤维品质和棉铃空间分布随种植密度(1.5万、3.0 万、4.5万、6.0 万、7.5万株 /hm2 )的变化。结果表明,随着种植密度增加,单位面积子棉产量先增加后降低,3.0 万 ~6.0 万株 /hm2 种植密度范围内差异不显著,达 4…502.5~4…732.7…kg/hm2 ,整株纤维品质无显著变化;主茎和叶枝的 铃数、铃重亦均随着种植密度的增加而显著降低,其中叶枝的下降幅度大于主茎;主茎铃数和子棉产量占整株比 例均随着种植密度的增加显著增加,叶枝则相反;叶枝铃数和子棉产量空间分布与主茎相似,试验密度范围内,以 中下层(1~10台果枝)和内围(1~2 果节)为主体,叶枝中下层和内围子棉产量分别为整株叶枝的90.9%~95.3%和 88.0%~95.9%,主茎中下层和内围子棉产量为整个主茎的81.9%~92.9%和75.7%~96.3%。
      Field study was conducted to investigate changes of unginned cotton yield,fiber quality and spacial distribution of cotton bolls with planting density under remaining monopodial branches with cotton cultivar Baimian1 as material. The results showed that unginned cotton yield per area significantly increased first and decreased later with no significant change during 4 502.5-4 732.7 kg/hm2 under the planting density of 30 000-60 000 plants/hm2,and fiber quality had no significant change among different planting densities. Cotton bolls,boll weight and unginned cotton weight of main stem and monopodial branches,respectively,significantly decreased with planting density increasing,and the decreasing value was higher for monopodial branches than for main stem. The ratios of bolls and unginned cotton yield of main stem to those of the whole plant increased with density increasing,and contrary trends happened for monopodial branches. Spatial distribution of bolls and unginned cotton yield of monopodial branches were similar to those of main stem,with middle and lower layer(1-10 fruiting branches)and inner circle(1-2 fruiting positions)as main body,e.g. the ratios of unginned cotton yield of middle and lower layer and inner circle of monopodial branches to that of all monopodial branches per plant accounted for 90.9%-95.3% and 88.0%-95.9%,and the ratios of unginned cotton yield of middle and lower layer and inner circle of main stem to that of the whole main stem were 81.9%-92.9% and 75.7%-96.3%.
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