查看全文    HTML 荔枝运输保鲜模式对货架期品质变化的影响
Effects of transport fresh-keeping modes on quality of litchi in shelf-life
中文关键词: :荔枝  保鲜模式  货架期  品质变化
英文关键词: litchi  fresh-keeping mode  shelf-life  quality change
温福军,郭嘉明,李亚慧,等 广东交通职业技术学院汽车学院华南农业大学工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 1653
全文下载次数: 904
      :为研究不同运输保鲜模式对货架期荔枝品质变化的影响,在模式可调保鲜试验平台上开展试验, 并采用“桂味”荔枝作为试验材料,研究了荔枝果实在气调、控温控湿和仅控温等3种不同保鲜模式下贮藏10…d 后,在低温陈列柜上货架期30…h内品质变化的情况。结果表明,在货架期内仅控温荔枝的好果率、色差 L*和b* 值下降速度显著比其他两种处理荔枝要大;气调处理与控温控湿处理荔枝果实在货架期内的品质变化差异不显 著;货架期内不同保鲜模式对荔枝果实的可滴定酸和可溶性固形物含量变化影响较小,前者维持在1.1~1.3…g/100…mL,后者 维持在19.5~20°Brix。
      In order to study the effects of different fresh-keeping transportation modes on the changes of litchi quality during shelf-life,‘Guiwei’ litchi fruit was stored in the display cabinet at low temperature for 30 h after being stored under 3 different storage environments for 10 d,including controlled atmosphere,controlled both temperature and humidity,and controlled temperature,and its qualities were tested every 6 h. The results showed that the marketable fruit rate,L* value and b* value of the litchi fruits under controlled temperature decreased faster than the litchi fruits under another two fresh-keeping modes;there was no significant difference between the litchi fruits under controlled atmosphere and that under controlled both temperature and humidity environment in the shelf-life qualities; no significant effects of different fresh-keeping modes on the litchi fruits’ TSS and TA content was found. The TSS content maintained at 19.5~20°Brix,while TA content maintained at 1.1~1.3 g/100mL.
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