吴 灏,张建锋,陈光才,等.安吉板栗林改造对林下物种多样性的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(7):-144
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Effects of stand transform on species diversity in Castanea mollissima plantation of Anji county
中文关键词: :板栗林  林分改造  灌木层  物种多样性
英文关键词: Castanea mollissima plantation  stands transform  shrub layer  species diversity
吴 灏,张建锋,陈光才,等 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所浙江省安吉县林业局 
摘要点击次数: 1314
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      :板栗是我国主要的经济林种之一,广泛分布于辽宁以南各个省区。在浙江安吉县,板栗林多为人 工纯林,林分结构单一,林下植被覆盖率低。为了探讨林分改造对植物多样性变化的影响,在安吉县杭垓镇 选择16 年生板栗林地,于 2011进行间植香榧、红叶石楠、红茴香等植物,以同一地区板栗林为对照。林分改造 3 年后,设立样地,调查林分改造对林下物种多样性的影响。结果表明,板栗林物种多样性变化主要来自更新 层,改造后板栗林乔灌层物种丰富度为17.13(±2.64),Shannon-Wiener 指数为 2.45(±0.29),Simpson 指数为 0.87(±0.06),均分别高于未改造林地的对应值(13.5±1.93、2.23±0.16 和 0.86±0.03)。统计分析表明,改造林 地草本层物种丰富度、生物多样性指数与未改造林地均无显著差异,但林分改造后群落结构更趋于稳定,生态 功能增强。
      Chestnut forest is an important economic forest species,widely distributes in the south of Liaoning province. The most part of chestnut forest is artificial pure forest with single stand structure and low vegetation coverage in Anji county of Zhejiang province. In the article,16-year-old chestnut woodland in Hanggai town of Anji was selected, ten kinds of plants including Torreya grandis,Photinia × fraseri and Illicium henryi were planted inter the forest, plant spacing of 5 m×5 m,seedling height was 1-3 m,with chestnut of the same area as control,the effects of stard transform on species diversity under forest were studies. After 3 years,sample plot was investigated. The results showed that regeneration layer was the major component of plant species diversity,in tree and shrub layer,species richness was 17.13( ± 2.64),Shannon-Wiener index was 2.45(± 0.29),Simpson index was 0.87(± 0.06),all higher than the corresponding unimproved land value(13.5 ± 1.93,2.23 ± 0.16 and 0.86 ± 0.03). The species richness and diversity index showed no significant difference between transform stands and primary chestnut forest,while transform forest community structure tended to be more stable than primary forest.
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