查看全文    HTML 施氮方式对冬种马铃薯生理生化性状及产量的影响
Effects of application patterns of nitrogen fertilizeron some physio-biochemical parameters andyield of winter-planting potato
中文关键词: 马铃薯  氮肥施用  生理生化性状  产量
英文关键词: potato  application of nitrogen fertilizer  physio-biochemical parameter  yield
宋书会,韦剑锋,韦冬萍,等 广西大学农学院广西科技大学鹿山学院 
摘要点击次数: 1378
全文下载次数: 562
      以费乌瑞它为试材,以不施氮肥为对照,在氮肥施用量(纯 N…160…kg/hm2 )相同的基础上,设氮肥全 部作基肥一次性施用(T1)、55% 作基肥 +45% 作齐苗肥施用(T2)及 55% 作基肥 +30% 作齐苗肥 +15% 作现 蕾肥施用(T3)共 3 种处理,研究氮肥施用方式对冬马铃薯生长中后期若干生理生化性状及产量的影响。结果 表明,3种施氮方式均可明显提高马铃薯中后期叶片叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量、硝酸还原酶活 性及根系活力,并显著提高采收期马铃薯块茎产量。其中,T1对提高马铃薯生长中期生理活性的效应较明显,且产 量高于其他处理;T3对提高马铃薯生长后期生理活性的综合效应较明显;但3种施肥方式间马铃薯块茎产量的 差异不显著。因此,从经济效益和简化施肥作业考虑,本试验条件下冬种马铃薯以氮肥全部作基肥施用为宜。
      Taking no nitrogen fertilizer as the control,three treatments were designed with equal amount nitrogen160 kg/hm2 to compare the effects of application patterns on some physio-biochemical parameters of winter-plantingpotato Favorita. The application patterns were as follows:100% nitrogen fertilizer was single basal application(T1),nitrogen fertilizer was split into two portions of 55% basal application and 45% seedling fertilizer(T2),nitrogenfertilizer was split into three portions of 55% basal application,30% seedling fertilizer and 15% squaring stagefertilizer(T3). The results showed that three application methods of nitrogen fertilizer evidently improved the contentof chlorophyll,soluble sugar and soluble protein in leaves,as well as the activities of nitrate reductase in leaves,theroot activity and tuber yield. The physio-biochemical parameters of T1 were relatively higher at middle growth stageand the yield was higher than that of others. The physio-biochemical parameters were better in T3 at the latter growthstage. However there was no significant difference in the yield of three treatments. Considering from economic benefitsand field management nitrogen,T1 treatment was better choice for the winter-planting potato.
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