李 智,赵惠恩,李亚齐,等.蔷薇属植物远缘杂交的亲和性评价[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(8):29-32
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Evaluation on compatibility of interspecificcross among several species of Rosa
中文关键词: 野生蔷薇  现代月季  远缘杂交  亲和性  杂交种
英文关键词: wild species of Rosa  modern roses  interspecific cross  compatibility  hybrid
李 智,赵惠恩,李亚齐,等 北京林业大学园林学院北京植物园/北京市花卉园艺工程技术研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 1657
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      采用现代月季作母本,与我国优良的野生蔷薇资源——报春刺玫、单瓣黄刺玫、疏花蔷薇、复伞房 蔷薇等进行种间远缘杂交,共得到20 个杂交亲和的组合。对部分亲本的育性、倍性进行测定,并结合以往的杂交 成果,分析了杂交亲和性与亲本育性、亲缘关系、倍性、环境等因素的关系,发现亲本可育不是影响杂交结实的决 定性因素;疏花蔷薇与现代月季杂交,亲和性优于其他野生蔷薇;对杂交亲和的组合,将亲本更换成与其亲缘 性关系相近的其他种进行杂交,易获得杂交种;4 倍体和 2 倍体的亲本杂交出现 3、4 倍体的子代,其中无刺狗 蔷薇×单瓣黄刺玫、无刺狗蔷薇×报春刺玫的杂交苗绝大部分为 4 倍体,由此提出二倍体野生资源利用的新 途径。
      The interspecific cross was carried out using modern roses as female parents,while some wild speciesof Rosa from China,including R. primula,R. xanthina f. spontanea,R. brunonii,R. laxa and so on,as male parents.20 compatible cross combinations were selected. The stigma receptivity and pollen vitalities of some parents were tested.Combined with precious hybridization studies,the influences of parent’s sterility,genetic relationship,ploidy level andenvironment on inter-specific cross compability were analyzed. The results showed that parents’ fertility was not thedecisive factor in seed harvest;R. laxa was more compatible than other wild roses when crossed with modern roses. It wasprobably compatible when one parent of compatible cross was replaced by genetically close species or cultivars. Triploidand tetraploid were generated when hybridization was taken between tetraploid and diploid. Most hybrid seeds of Rosacanina inermis × R. primula and R. canina inermis × R. xanthina f. spontanea were tetraploid. According to the results,a new method of using diploid wild roses was proposed. This study further improved the system of cross-breeding.
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