查看全文    HTML 6种烟田安全除草剂联合防治杂草效果及评价
Efficiency and evaluation of six kinds of tobaccoherbicides combined to control weeds
中文关键词: 除草剂  联合  效果  评价
英文关键词: herbicides  combination  efficiency  evaluation
张国宾,陈永明,冯秀杰,等 华南农业大学农学院/农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室广东省烟草南雄科学研究所 
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      针对目前国内在烟草上登记的除草剂种类少、易产生药害的现状,选用烟田推荐使用的3种芽前除 草剂(异丙甲草胺、敌草胺、仲丁灵)和3种苗后除草剂(灭草松、砜嘧磺隆、精喹禾灵)分别复配进行盆栽药效试 验。结果显示在施药剂量为异丙甲草胺 404.80…g/hm2 ×仲丁灵899.55…mL/hm2 时,对双子叶杂草的株防效和鲜重 防效联合作用为增效,防效分别是93.1%和87.1%,此时为异丙甲草胺和仲丁灵复配防治双子叶杂草的最佳配比; 敌草胺 281.11…g/hm2 ×仲丁灵899.55…mL/hm2 为两种除草剂防治杂草的最佳配比,此剂量下对单子叶杂草株防效 和鲜重防效分别是89.9%和91.0%,对双子叶杂草的联合作用为增效,防效分别是87.7%和85.3%。苗后除草剂复 配无增效作用,但在施药剂量为灭草松179.91…g/hm2 ×精喹禾灵56.22…mL/hm2 时单子叶杂草株防效和鲜重防效分 别是88.8%和92.6%,施药剂量为359.82…g/hm2 ×28.11…mL/hm2 时对双子叶杂草的株防效和鲜重防效分别是94.2% 和93.6%;在砜嘧磺隆 9.37…g/hm2 ×精喹禾灵28.11…mL/hm2 时,单子叶杂草的株防效和鲜重防效分别是 93.6%和 95.0%,防治效果良好。
      Aiming at the present situation of few registered herbicides and the fact of phytotoxicity on tobacco inChina, the efficiency of three kinds of pre-emergence herbicides( Metolachlor, Napropamide, Butralin) and three kinds ofpost-emergence herbicides( Bentazone, Rimsulfuron, Quizalofop-p-ethyl) combined were tested respectively. The resultsshowed that, with the best dosage of Metolachlor 404.80 g/hm2 × Butralin 899.55 mL/hm2, the control effects of plantand fresh weight to dicotyledonous weeds were synergistic, and the efficiencies were 93.1% and 87.1%, respectively; withthe best dosage of Napropamide 281.11 g/hm2 × Butralin 899.55 mL/hm2, the control effects of plant and fresh weightto endogen weeds were 89.9% and 91.0%, the control effects of plant and fresh weight to dicotyledonous weeds weresynergistic, and the efficiencies were 87.7% and 85.3% respectively. The post-emergence herbicides had no synergisticeffect, the control effects of plant and fresh weight to endogen weeds were 88.8% and 92.6% with the dosage of Bentazone179.91 g/hm2 × Quizalofop-p-ethyl 56.22 mL/hm2, the control effects of plant and fresh weight to dicotyledonous weedswere 94.2% and 93.6% with the dosage of Bentazone359.82 g/hm2 × Quizalofop-p-ethyl 28.11 mL/hm2;while the control effects of plant and fresh weight toendogen weeds were 93.6% and 95.0% with the dosageof Rimsulfuron 9.37 g/hm2 × Quizalofop-p-ethyl 28.11mL/hm2.
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