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Optimization of enrichment technology of total saponinsin leaves of Rosa davurica Pall. with macroporous resin
中文关键词: 刺玫叶  大孔树脂  总皂苷  富集
英文关键词: leaves of Rosa davurica Pall.  macroporous absorption resin  total saponins  enrichment
王晓林,杜晓宇,钟方丽,等 吉林化工学院化学与制药工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 1669
全文下载次数: 765
      以吸附率和解吸率为考查指标,采用静态吸附 - 解吸、动态吸附 - 解吸试验,确定了D-101型大 孔树脂富集刺玫叶总皂苷的工艺条件。结果发现,最佳富集条件为上柱液浓度为原提取液稀释 5 倍、吸附速 率为 2…BV/h、上柱液 pH 值为 7~9,解吸液为 95%乙醇、洗脱速率为 2…BV/h、洗脱液用量为 7…BV。在此条件 下,其平均吸附率为81.33%,平均解吸率为86.31%,纯化后刺玫叶干浸膏中总皂苷含量由原来的16.32% 提高 到 48.13%,树脂富集倍数约为3 倍。结果表明,D-101型大孔树脂对刺玫叶总皂苷的富集具有一定的效果。
      To investigate the enrichment technology of total saponins( TS) in leaves of Rosa davurica Pall.with macroporous resin,by both static and dynamic absorption-desorption experiments,the optimum purificationconditions with D-101 macroporous resin were determined using absorption and desorption ratio of TS asevaluating indicators. The results showed that the optinal enrichment canditions were as follows:the TS contentof the sample,adsorption rate,pH value of sample,content of ethanol eluant,desorption rate and volume ofeluant were one-fifth content of the raw extracts solution,2 BV/h,7 to 9,70%,2 BV/h,and 7 BV respectively.The average absorption and desorption rates were 81.33% and 86.31% under the optimum conditions. Afterpurification,the TS content in extracts was from 16.32% to 48.13%,which offered 3 times of enrichment withresins. The results indicated that purification of TS in leaves of R. davurica Pall. with D-101 macroporous resinwas effective.
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