查看全文    HTML 切除眼柄对清洁虾繁殖及环境因子对其幼体存活率和变态所需时间的影响
Effects of eyestalk ablation on brood-stock reproductionand environmental factors on larva survival rateand development time of Lysmata amboinensis
中文关键词: 清洁虾  眼柄切除  繁殖  幼体生长  环境因子
英文关键词: Lysmata amboinensis  eyestalkablation  reproduction  growth of larvae  environmentalfactors
姚融融,蔡生力 上海海洋大学水产与生命学院 
摘要点击次数: 1699
全文下载次数: 1194
      采用镊烫法切除清洁虾(Lysmata amboinensis)亲虾的单侧眼柄,研究切除眼柄对亲虾生长、怀卵 量、孵化率、幼体数量、蜕皮周期、产卵周期的影响;在人工控制条件下研究不同温度(20、23、26、29、32℃)、 盐度(24、27、30、33、36)以及饵料(小球藻、角毛藻、轮虫、卤虫)对清洁虾幼体存活及生长变态的影响。结果 表明切除眼柄对清洁虾亲虾的生长速度影响显著,在试验期间(126…d),试验一组(1尾切除眼柄)亲虾体长增 长了24.2(±2.3)mm、试验二组(两尾切除眼柄)增长 24.2(±2.7)mm、对照组(两尾眼柄均未切)增长16.2(± 0.8)mm,差异显著;切除眼柄对清洁虾的怀卵量影响显著,试验一组、二组及对照组分别为 1… 746.0 (±1.5)、1…982.0(±44.1)、1…343.0(±25.2)粒 / 尾;试验组的幼体数量也显著高于对照组,分别为1…146.0(± 5.5)、1…254.0(±26.3)、699.3(±7.8)个 / 尾;切除眼柄后亲虾的蜕皮次数有所增加,分别为12、12、11次;产卵周 期缩短,分别为10.8、10.0、11…d。清洁虾幼体生长的适宜温度为23~29℃,最适温度为26℃;适宜盐度为27~33,最 适盐度为33;Z1~Z2 期幼体的最佳饵料为角毛藻,Z3~Z6 期幼体的最佳饵料为卤虫。前期以角毛藻为主辅以卤虫 和轮虫,后期以卤虫为主辅以轮虫和单细胞藻类饲喂清洁虾幼体,可取得较好的饵料效果。
      This experiment used tweezers hot method to remove the unilateral eyestalk of parent shrimp,Lysmataamboinensis,studied the effects of unilateral eyestalk ablation on growth,amount of carrying eggs,hatching rate,numberof larvae,molt cycle and spawn cycle,and using manual controlled experiment tested the effects of different temperatures(20,23,26,29,32℃),different salinities(24,27,30,33,36)and different diets(chlorella,Chaetoceros,rotifer,artemia)on the survival rate and growth rate of L. amboinensis larvae. The results showed that eyestalk ablation hadsignificant impact on the growth rate of parent shrimp. During the test(126 d),the average lengths of parent shrimps ingroup 1(eyestalk ablation of one parent shrimp),group 2(eyestalk ablation of both parent shrimps)and control group(noeyestalk ablation)increased by 24.2(±2.3)mm,24.2(±2.7)mm and 16.2(±0.8)mm,respectively. The eyestalk ablationof parent shrimp had significant impact on the amount of carrying eggs,the amount of eggs of group 1,group 2 and controlgroup were 1 746.0(±1.5)ind/tail,1 982.0(±44.1)ind/tail and 1 343.0(±25.2)ind/tail,respectively. The numbers oflarvae of experiment groups were significantly higher than that of the control group,were 1 146.0(±5.5)ind/tail,1 254.0(±26.3)ind/tail and 699.3(±7.8)ind/tail,respectively. After eyestalk ablation,the molt times of parent shrimps increased,were 12,12,11 times,respectively;the spawn cycle shorted,were 10.8 d,10.0 d and 11 d,respectively. For larval growth,the optimum temperature was 23-29℃,the best temperature was 26℃;the optimum salinity was 27-33,the best livingsalinity was 33;the best diet for larval of Z1-Z2 waschaetoceros,for larval of Z3-Z6 was artemia. So when thelarval was Z1-Z2,we should feed priority to chaetoceroswith rotifer and artemia,when the larval was Z3-Z6,weshould feed priority to artemia with single-celled algae toimprove the diet effect.
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