段 卓,吴雪辉,郑艳艳.油茶果成熟过程中各加工性状的变化研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(9):11-15
查看全文    HTML 油茶果成熟过程中各加工性状的变化研究
Variation of processing traits of Camellia oleiferaduring its maturation process
中文关键词: 油茶  加工性状  成熟过程  相关性
英文关键词: Camellia oleifera  processing traits  maturation process  correlation
段 卓,吴雪辉,郑艳艳 华南农业大学食品学院 
摘要点击次数: 1420
全文下载次数: 676
      为了解油茶果实的最佳采收时间,以岑溪软枝2 号和3 号油茶为材料,研究了成熟过程中油茶果各 加工性状的变化规律,并采用方差分析、变异性分析、相关性分析方法处理数据。结果表明:采摘时间不同,油茶 果含油率、含水率、果径和果形差异显著,且品种间各加工性状的差异显著;岑溪软枝2 号的单果重与果径、岑 溪软枝3 号的单果重与果高均呈显著正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.8716 和0.7803;岑溪软枝2 号和3 号最佳 采收时间分别在11 月15日和10 月26 日。
      In order to obtain the best harvest time of Camellia oleifera,Cenxi 2 and Cenxi 3 were selected asmaterials, the variation of processing traits of fruit during maturation process were studied,and variance analysis,variability analysis and correlation analysis were used to process the tested data. The results showed that harvest atdifferent times,the differences of oil content,water content,fruit diameter and fruit shape were significant,and thedifferences of processing traits between the two cultivars were also significant;the fruit weights of Cenxi 2 and Cenxi3 had significant correlation with fruit diameter and fruit higher,respectively,and the correlation coefficients were0.8716 and 0.7803,respectively;the best harvest time of Cenxi 2 and Cenxi 3 were November 15 and 26 October,respectively.
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