刘龙元,陈桂葵,贺鸿志,等.3 种植物生长调节剂对苦参生长的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(9):16-22
查看全文    HTML 3 种植物生长调节剂对苦参生长的影响
Effects of three plant growth regulatorson Sophora flavescents growth
中文关键词: 苦参  植物生长调节剂  根系  生长发育
英文关键词: Sophora flavescens Ait.  plant growth regulators  roots  growth and development
刘龙元,陈桂葵,贺鸿志,等 广东药学院医药化工学院华南农业大学农学院/农业部华南热带农业环境 重点开放实验室/广东省高等学校农业生态与农村环境重点实验室 
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      为探明植物生长调节剂对药用植物苦参生长的影响,采用不同浓度的生根粉(ABT)、吲哚丁酸 (IBA)和萘乙酸(NAA)浸泡苦参幼苗不同时长处理,定植后生长8 个月,通过测定地上部分和地下部分的鲜重、 株高、根长、成活率、根茎、地径、叶面积、小区产量等农艺性状,并进行综合评价。结果表明:不同植物生长调节 剂、不同浓度、不同浸泡时间对苦参生长的影响效果不一,其中50 mg/L ABT 浸泡12 h 处理的成活率略高于对照, 并能显著促进地上部分和地下部分的生长,小区产量最高,比对照高113.97%,综合评价第一,50 mg/L ABT 浸泡 12 h 处理适合作为苦参生产中的增产措施。
      Effects of three plant growth regulators including ABT,IBA,NAA on growth and development ofSophora flavescens Ait. were studied. The seedlings were treated by different concentrations and soaking time of threeplant growth regulators. The agricultural characters of annual S. flavescens like fresh weight of aboveground andunderground parts,plant height,leaf area,diameter and length of root,small section yield,were estimated and evaluatedcomprehensively. The results showed that the effects of ABT,IBA,NAA with different concentrations and soaking time,on growth and development of S. flavescens were different. The effect of 50 mg/L ABT soaking 12 hours ranked the first,with the survival rate of S. flavescens slightly higher than that of the control,the growth of aboveground and undergroundparts was significantly promoted by 50 mg/L ABT soaking 12 hours,and the fresh weight of root increased by 113.97% insmall section yield per 0.5 m2. The treatment of 50 mg/L ABT soaking 12 hours could be used as measure for increasingproduction of S. flavescens.
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