查看全文    HTML 不同种源红锥优树子代苗期生长变异分析
provenances of different Castanopsis hystrix elite trees
中文关键词: 红锥  种源  优树  子代  变异
英文关键词: Castanopsis hystrixr  provenance  elite tree  progeny  variation
刘徳浩,张卫华,张方秋,等 广东省林业科学研究院惠州市林业科学研究所 
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      对3 个不同种源的13 株红锥优树子代进行苗期生长对比试验。结果表明:广西种源千粒重最大、 达到968.64 g,其次为广东和福建种源。种子长及种子宽在种源间的表现与千粒重规律相同。不同种源千粒重、地 径、苗高差异显著。播种到首次出芽时间在25~34 d,出芽累计天数在62~76 d。首次出芽时间以广西种源最早,且 广西种源子代苗期生长最快,地径、苗高分别达到0.35、24.04 cm。最优种源的地径、苗高分别是最差种源地径、 苗高的1.12、1.17 倍。相关性分析结果显示,千粒重与地径、苗高存在显著正相关关系。
      The growth traits of progeny seedlings of 13 Castanopsis hystrixr elite trees,from three differentprovenances were compared. The results showed that Guangxi provenance had the largest thousand-grain weightwith 968.64 g, and followed by Guangdong and Fujian provenances. The seed length and seed width of the threeprovenances showed the same rule as thousand-grain weight. The differences in thousand-grain weight,ground diameterand seedling height of different provenances were significant. It took 25-34 d from sowing to germination,and thecumulative days of budding were 62-76 d. The earliest time of budding was Guangxi provenance,and the fastest growthof progeny seedlings was also appeared in Guangxi provenance,the ground diameter and seedling height were 0.35 cm,24.04 cm,respectively. The ground diameter and seedling height of the best provenance were 1.12 times and 1.17 timesof those of the worst provenance. The correlation analysis results showed that the thousand-grain weight had significantpositive correlation with ground diameter and seedling height.
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