查看全文    HTML 尼罗罗非鱼选育一代耐盐碱和生长性能评估
Evaluation on salinity-alkalinity tolerance and growth of thefirst selection generation of Oreochromis niloticus
中文关键词: 尼罗罗非鱼  选育一代  盐碱处理  半致死浓度  日均增重率
英文关键词: Oreochromis niloticus  the first selection generation  salinity-alkalinity treatment  median lethal concentration  average growth rate
梁从飞,筴金华,张艳红,等 农业部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室/上海海洋大学水产与生命学院河北中捷国家级罗非鱼良种场 
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全文下载次数: 592
      :以尼罗罗非鱼耐盐碱选育一代为材料,开展幼鱼慢性致死试验和鱼种不同盐碱环境(S0A0、S10A0、 S10A2、S10A4、S10A6)中生长试验,评估选育一代的盐、碱耐受性能和生长性能。慢性致死试验结果表明,选育 一代山东、上海、河北品系的半致死盐度分别为53.95(±1.29)、53.36(±1.53)、56.25(±2.12)g/L,半致死碱度分别 为19.18(±1.24)、18.73(±1.20)、20.05(±1.37)g/L。生长试验结果表明,随着盐碱浓度的增加,选育一代的日增重 率表现为下降趋势,S0A0 组显著大于其他各组,S10A0、S10A2 组间无显著差异,但显著大于S10A4、S10A6 组; 除S10A6 组中山东品系日增重率大于上海、河北品系外,各盐碱组中3 个品系间无显著差异。
      In order to assess the tolerance and growth performance of the first selection generation of Nile tilapiain salinity-alkalinity waters,chronic lethal experiment was carried out in juvenile fish and the average growth ratesof young fish in different salinity-alkalinity waters(S0A0,S10A0,S10A2,S10A4,S10A6)were compared during60 days culture experiment. The results showed that the median lethal salinity was 53.95(±1.29),53.36(±1.53),56.25(±2.12)g/L,the median lethal alkalinity was 19.18(±1.24),18.73(±1.20),20.05(±1.37)g/L for Shanghai,Shandong,Hebei strain,respectively. The results of growth performance showed that the average growth ratesignificantly decreased with the elevation of salinity-alkalinity,there was no significant difference between S10A0 andS10A2 groups,but significantly higher than that in S10A4,S10A6 groups. There was no significant difference amongdifferent strains within the same treatment,except that Shandong strain showed a relatively higher growth rate thanShanghai,Hebei strains in S10A6.
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