李 林,孙育平,黄燕华,等.家蝇抗菌肽的提取及其对凡纳滨对虾抗病力的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(9):120-125
查看全文    HTML 家蝇抗菌肽的提取及其对凡纳滨对虾抗病力的影响
Extraction of antibacterial peptides from Musca domestica andtheir effects on disease resistance of Litopenaeus vannamei
中文关键词: 家蝇抗菌肽  提取率  抗菌活性  抗病力
英文关键词: antibacterial peptides from Muscadomestica  extraction rate  antibacterial activity  diseaseresistance
李 林,孙育平,黄燕华,等 华南农业大学动物科学学院广东省农科院动物科学研究所 
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      采用超声波诱导的方式筛选出生长状况良好的蝇蛆,通过组织匀浆、乙酸铵浸提、热处理、冻融处 理、盐析、透析、蒸馏浓缩等方法提取家蝇抗菌肽,应用分光光度法测定其浓度和提取率,比浊法测定其抗菌活 性。在基础饲料中分别添加0、40、80、120 mg/kg 家蝇抗菌肽制成4 组试验饲料,饲养凡纳滨对虾6 周后采用注 射法进行白斑综合征病毒攻毒试验,攻毒期为52 h。结果显示,4 日龄家蝇繁育的蝇蛆经刺激后生长状况良好, 产量最高;提取的家蝇抗菌肽浓度为25.05 mg/mL,提取率为2.36%;提取液稀释11 倍后,其对铜绿假单胞菌的 抑菌率为21.05%,抗菌活力为24.58 U。与未添加组相比,40、80 mg/kg 组累积死亡率显著降低,各添加组的相对 保护率分别为42.42%、33.33% 和9.09%。结果表明,该提取工艺可保证抗菌肽的提取率,保持其稳定性和抗菌活 性;在饲料中添加该抗菌肽,可提高凡纳滨对虾抗白斑综合征病毒的能力。
      LI Lin1,2,SUN Yu-ping2,HUANG Yan-hua2,CHEN Bing2,CAO Jun-ming2,WANG Guo-xia2,LI Yong-juan2,MA Yong-ping1,2(1. College of Animal Science,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China;2. Institute of Animal Science,Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Guangzhou 510640,China)Abstract:This experiment determined the extraction process of antibacterial peptides from Musca domesticaand evaluated the effects of antibacterial peptides of M. domestica on anti-white spot syndrome virus capacityin Litopenaeus vannamei. Maggots with good growth were screened out by ultrasonic induced method,and thenantibacterial peptides were extracted through tissue homogenate,ammonium acetate extraction,heat treatment,freezethawtreatment,salting out,dialysis,distillation and concentration,the concentration and yield were determined byspectrophotometry,the antibacterial activity was determined by turbidimetry,finally,shrimps were fed with fourexperimental diets that prepared by supplementing into the basal diet with 0 mg/kg,40 mg/kg,80 mg/kg and 120mg/kg antibacterial peptides of M. domestica. After 8-week feeding trial,shrimps were injected with WSSV and fed for52 hours. The results showed that,at the age of 4 days,the maggots bred by M. domestica were in good growth conditionsafter stimulation,and the yield was the highest. The concentration of antimicrobial peptides was 25.05 mg/mL,thepeptide extracting ratio was 2.36%. Diluted by 11 times,the inhibitory rate and antibacterial activity against Pseudomonasaeruginosa were 21.05% and 24.58 U. Compared with non-supplemented group,the accumulative mortality rates of 40mg/kg and 80 mg/kg groups were significantly lower. The relative percent survival rates of supplemented groups were42.42%,33.33% and 9.09%. It indicated that the extraction process could improve the extraction efficiency and ensurethe stability and antibacterial activity of antibacterialpeptides. The supplementation of antibacterial peptidesinto diets could improve the anti-white spot syndromevirus capacity in L. vannamei.
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