付 腾,冯 娟,宋沙沙,等.硝酸氮对不同生长阶段凡纳滨对虾的急性毒性研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(9):126-131
查看全文    HTML 硝酸氮对不同生长阶段凡纳滨对虾的急性毒性研究
Acute toxicity of nitrate on Pacific white shrimp,Litopenaeus vannamei,at different developmental stages
中文关键词: 凡纳滨对虾  硝酸氮  半致死质量浓度  安全浓度
英文关键词: Litopenaeus vannamei  nitrate–N  median lethal concentration  safe concentration
付 腾,冯 娟,宋沙沙,等 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所/农业部水产品加工重点实验室上海海洋大学水产与生命学院大亚湾蓝海实业发展有限公司 
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      采用静态水生生物急性毒性试验法,在盐度为15‰条件下,研究硝酸氮(以氮计)对凡纳滨对虾4 个不同生长阶段的急性毒性。结果表明,硝酸氮对凡纳滨对虾的半致死质量浓度与接触时间呈正相关,对不同生 长阶段对虾的半致死质量浓度不同。仔虾期(体长1±0.15 cm)24、48、72、96h-LC50 分别为1 534.64、957.64、 538.77、189.32 mg/L,幼虾期(体长3.47±0.45 cm)分别为2 999.71、2 092.26、1 591.49、1 077.32 mg/L,中虾期 (体长5.17±0.58 cm)分别为2 379.55、2 202.34、1 781.26、1 314.49 mg/L,成虾期(体长10.20±1.45 cm)分别 为2 648.34、1 515.83、702.63、494.85 mg/L。凡纳滨对虾4 个生长阶段硝酸氮的安全浓度分别为18.93、107.73、 131.45、49.48 mg/L。
      Pacific white shrimp,Litopenaeus vannamei,at different developmental stages were exposed to nitrate–N(nitrate as nitrogen)with different concentrations using the static renewal method in 15‰ salinity. The results showedthat median lethal concentrations(LC50) of nitrate-N for L. vannamei were positively correlated with exposure time.However,it was different to the shrimps at different developmental stages. The 24-,48-,72-,96-h LC50 of nitrate–N for L. vannamei were 1 534.64,957.64,538.77,189.32 mg/L with body length of 1(±0.15)cm;2 999.71,2 092.26,1 591.49,1 077.32 mg/L with body length of 3.47(±0.45)cm;2 379.55,2 202.34,1 781.26,1 314.49 mg/L with bodylength of 5.17(±0.58)cm;2 648.34,1 515.83,702.63,494.85 mg/L with body length of 10.20(±1.45)cm,respectively.The safe concentrations for rearing L. vannamei were estimated to be 18.93,107.73,131.45 and 49.48 mg/L nitrate–N inthose four development stages,respectively.
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