查看全文    HTML 广州市售泡菜乳酸菌的分离及其特性分析
Isolation and characteristics of lactic acidbacteria from Guangzhou pickles
中文关键词: 乳酸菌  抗菌活性  耐酸  耐胆盐  唾液乳杆菌
英文关键词: lactic acid bacteria  antimicrobial activity  acid tolerance  bile tolerance  Lactobacillus salivarius
郭衍彪,赵亚玲,蔡俊鹏 华南理工大学轻工与食品学院华南理工大学生物科学与工程学院 
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      :从广州随机市售的泡菜中分离出14 株乳酸菌(LAB),并对其溶血性、产生物胺(组胺、酪胺和苯乙 胺)、39 株不同来源致病菌的抗菌活性、耐酸性、耐胆汁盐等特性进行分析。结果表明:14 株乳酸菌在羊血血平 板上均不溶血,即γ- 溶血;且均不产组胺(组胺、酪胺和苯乙胺);该14 株乳酸菌对39 株致病菌表现出不同的 抗菌活性,其中P1、P2、P11 菌株抑菌活性较强,分别对34、33、33 株表现出抗菌活性,并且P2(上清液)对13 株 致病菌达到了最强抑菌活性(+++,抗菌直径> 15 mm),为达到最强抑菌活性率最高的菌株;耐酸试验表明,P2 能 耐pH2.5 和pH3.5 的酸性环境,而其他两株(P1 和P11)不耐此酸度;在耐胆汁盐特性方面,P2 和P11 能耐受浓度 为0.5%、1.0% 和1.5% 的胆汁盐浓度,而P1 不耐受这些胆汁盐浓度。16S rDNA 部分序列分子鉴定表明,P2 为唾 液乳杆菌(相似度为99%)。
      In the present study,14 strains of lactic acid bacteria(LAB)were isolated from Guangzhou pickleswhich were randomly bought from local market. Their inducing hemolysis,producing biogenic amine(histamine,tyramine and phenylethylamine),antimicrobial activity against 39 different sources of pathogens,acid tolerance,bile tolerance et al. were investigated. Results showed that none of the 14 tested strains induced hemolysis on sheepblood agar(γ-hemolytic);and they produced no biogenic amine(histamine,tyramine and phenylethylamine);the14 isolated LAB strains had different antimicrobial activity against 39 different pathogens,among them,P1,P2 andP11 had the stronger antimicrobial activity,they showed 34/39,33/39 and 33/39 positive antimicrobial activities,respectively,moreover,P2(cell-free supernatants)showed the strongest antimicrobial activity(+++,diameter ofinhibition zone>15 mm)on 13 pathogens,which was the highest growth inhibitory rate of all;concerning acid toleranceresults,P2 strains showed acid tolerance at pH 2.5 and pH 3.5,while the other two strains(P1 and P11)did not;withrespect to bile tolerance,P2 and P11 showed bile tolerance at the bile density of 0.5%,1.0% and 1.5%,while P1 did not.Finally,analysis of partial 16S rDNA demonstrated that P2 was identified as Lactobacillus salivarius(identity of 99%).
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