付玉嫔,司马永康,方 波,等.篦子三尖杉的居群结构与动态研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(11):48-54
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Study on population structure and dynamicsof Cephalotaxus oliveri Mast.
中文关键词: 篦子三尖杉  居群结构  动态  生命表  存活曲线
英文关键词: Cephalotaxus oliveri Mast.  population structure  dynamics  life table  survivership curve
付玉嫔,司马永康,方 波,等 云南省林业科学院云南 昆明 6502012. 国家林业局重点开放性实验室云南珍稀濒特森林 植物保护和繁育实验室/云南省森林植物培育与开发利用重点实验室昆明生物资源与多样性研究中心云南大学生命科学学院 
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      为了更好地掌握珍贵药用植物篦子三尖杉的居群结构及动态情况,对云南省新平县篦子三尖杉林 12 个样方进行调查,分析篦子三尖杉的年龄结构、高度结构、空间分布格局,编制特定时间生命表,绘制存活曲 线。结果表明,篦子三尖杉相对年龄结构完整,呈现明显的纺锤形,幼苗和成树个体的储备特别少,居群属衰退型 居群;其高度结构完整,居群个体高度发育是连续的,在群落中属连续型居群;其空间分布格局表现为集群分布, Ⅲ级幼树阶段开始变成随机分布;其成长可分为幼苗、幼树、成树和老树等4 个时期,幼苗时期死亡率最低,老树 时期死亡率最高;其居群存活曲线接近于Deevey Ⅰ型,居群处于衰退状态。
      In order to better understand the population structure and dynamics of Cephalotaxus oliveriMast.,a rare medicinal plant,the age and height structures and the spatial distribution of its population wereanalyzed,the time-specific life table was established and the survivership curve was drawn with the data ofthe survey of 12 sample plots in Xinping county of Yunnan province. The results indicated that the relative agestructure was complete and its histogram looked like a spindle while the numbers of seedlings and adult treeswere too less. These showed that the population was declining. The height structure was complete,indicatingthat the population was successive in the heightgrowth of its individuals and in community. Its spatialdistribution pattern was of clump and those of theⅢ-class and Ⅳ-class populations became of poisson.Its development could be divided into 4 phasesincluding seedling,young,adult and old phases. Itsmortality rate was the highest in the seedling phaseand the lowest in the old phase. The survivershipcurve was close to the type of Deevey Ⅰ and thisrevealed that the population was declining.
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