查看全文    HTML 番石榴叶中番石榴苷、广寄生苷的提取及其大鼠脂肪细胞模型降糖活性研究
Extraction of guaijaverin and avicularin from guava leavesand their hypoglycemic activity on rat adipocyte model
中文关键词: 番石榴叶  番石榴苷  广寄生苷  响应面分析法  降糖活性  毒性
英文关键词: guava leaves  guaijaverin  avicularin  response surface methodology  hypoglycemic activity  toxicity
朱晓艾,欧阳文,蔡喆俊,等 华南农业大学食品学院湖南中医药大学药学院茂名市林业局李锦记(新会)食品有限公司 
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      :以番石榴叶为原料,番石榴叶中番石榴苷、广寄生苷总含量为指标,在单因素试验的基础上,采用响 应面法优化番石榴苷、广寄生苷的提取工艺,同时测定不同月份番石榴叶中番石榴苷、广寄生苷总含量,确定最 佳采集月份,并研究此月份的提取物对大鼠脂肪细胞的降糖活性及急性毒性。结果表明,最佳提取工艺为时间 81 min、液料比 11∶1、乙醇体积分数64.6%,此条件下番石榴苷、广寄生苷总含量可达3.40(±0.02)mg/g,重复试验 表明该最佳工艺条件稳定可行。番石榴叶中番石榴苷、广寄生苷含量随季节变化较大,7 月份的含量最高,达到 6.74(±0.13)mg/g,因此可选择7 月份作为最佳采集月份,且 1.6 mg/mL 的7 月份番石榴叶提取物促脂肪细胞摄取 葡萄糖达1.66(±0.23)mmol/L,相比8 U/mL 胰岛素具有更好效果。急性毒性试验结果表明,小鼠番石榴叶提取物 最大耐受量大于10 g/kg。
      Response surface methodology(RSM)was used to optimize the extraction conditions of guaijaverinand avicularin from guava leaves based on single-factor tests. The best harvest month was valued according to thecontent of guaijaverin and avicularin from guava leaves. Besides,the hypoglycemic activity in vitro and the acutetoxicity of guava leaves harvested in the best month was evaluated by the isolated rat adipocyte model and miceseparately. Results showed that the optimum extraction conditions by RSM were as follows:extraction time of 81 min,ratio of liquid to material of 11∶1,ethanol concentration of 64.6%. Under these conditions,the yield of guaijaverin andavicularin was 3.40(±0.02)mg/g. The repeated tests showed that the optimal conditions were stable and feasible. Thetotal content of guaijaverin and avicularin was different in guava leaves from different months. The highest contentof guaijaverin and avicularin was from July,which wasup to 6.74(±0.13)mg/g. 1.6 mg/mL extracts from Julypromoted adipocyte glucose uptake level to 1.66(±0.23)mmol/L,which was better than 8 U/mL insulin. Themaximum tolerated dose of guava leaves extracts in theacute toxicity test was more than 10 g/kg.
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